Page 90 of The Spectre

“Oh, but I have proof. I mean, we’re all going to die, anyway. It’s his plan. Why would I lie?”

Fusco’s face contorts with rage, his eyes ablaze with fury. Retrieving his gun, he aims it directly at Python, the head of the Snakes.

“Are you trying to double-cross me?” As he becomes more agitated, his nostrils flare with anger.

“No. Of course not. We are partners. I would never.”

It’s charming how he’s trying to explain himself, stumbling over his words in an attempt to win Fusco over.

“Oh, but he is,” she adds with a big smile. “For them.” Her finger lands on one of The Twelve as she speaks, “He’s the one who provided the video evidence, revealing the Snakes inside Aidan and Scott’s club, concealing weapons and drugs.”

The silence is so thick you could hear a pin drop.

“Where did she get all this information?” Scott whispers in my ear.

“No idea, but fuck me, my wife is a badass.”

“Not your wife,” he groans, and I can’t help but chuckle.

“Yet,” I add. We’re so focused on her next move. It's like watching people play chess.

“Riccardo!” shouts Fusco. “Is she playing me?”

It’s mesmerising to witness them in this state. They all have their hands on their holsters. Blakely’s head tilts slightly as she fixes her gaze on something behind me, piquing my curiosity. I don’t understand what it means until I feel the guard leaning closer to me and whispering in my ear.

“Hold your position and refrain from doing anything reckless. Stay put.” With a flick of his wrist, he unties the ropes around our wrists, starting with me and then moving on to Scott and Bailey.

I don’t hear Riccardo’s answer, but once my focus is back on Blakely, she shifts slightly in her seat.

“Now, now. No killing just yet. I’m not done with my questions.” Fusco’s focus shifts back to her.

“I don’t think you have any say in the matter, little girl.”

“Oh, but I think I do. So, where was I? Oh aye. Except the three idiots in front of me. Who are you working for? Who ordered you to kill us? Please don’t insult my intelligence by claiming that you came up with all of these ideas on your own.”

Is there another way to put a man on the ground when he is already down?

“You’re smart, I have to say. But why would I tell you?” A wicked grin twists Fusco’s features.

“Do me a favour and satisfy my curiosity? Since you’re going to kill us anyway. So I won’t have the opportunity to tell anyone.” Her shoulders rise and fall as she gives her answer.

The one who will be dead will be him and his buffoons.

“Fair enough, little girl. You want to know who gives me orders? It’s Kore.”


What’s happening? No, it can’t be. Kore’s been working with us. It can’t be.

He’s lying.

“Kore, huh?” She stands from her seat, and the glint of metal catches my eye as I see the guards pointing their guns at her. I’m ready to shoot them one by one when a hand applies pressure on my shoulder, ordering me silently to stay put.

“Aye, Kore, that’s what I said.”

“Funny,” she replies.

“What’s funny?” asks Fusco.