“KILL HER,” orders Shaan.
Moving in synchronicity, they all direct their guns at me. Fusco walks slowly towards me while Senior remains unmoving. I hear Aidan, Scott, and Bailey screaming and shouting.
“You,” shouts Shaan at the guy closest to him. “Kill her.” The guy walks towards me, his gun pointed at my head, then stays there without moving an inch.
“What are you waiting on?” Now it’s Fusco’s turn to shout.
“Sorry. I can’t,” replies the guy in front of me.
“Of course you can. Pull the trigger and shoot!” Shaan yells.
Turning to face them, he replies, “I said I can’t. Not that I don’t know how to kill.”
My smile grows bigger when Tim removes his mask in front of them, which makes Scott and Aidan gasp, followed by curses. This night is becoming more and more interesting and fun.
“You see,” starts Tim. “I can’t kill my boss, now can I?” he asks with a smirk. His back is now facing me, allowing me to retrieve the gun he had hidden for me.
“You motherfucker,” shouts Fusco. “Kill them both.” He looks around him and sees three more people removing their masks and pointing their guns at him.
“Now, now. That’s not very nice, is it?” I ask D, who is the closest one to him, his gun pointed at Fusco’s back. The other guards are fidgeting, their guns sweeping back and forth aimlessly like they don’t know who to aim at. As for Senior, he has two targets directed straight at him. Just in case.
“Nah, boss. I don’t think that’s very nice of him,” says D.
“Why?” Fusco asks.
I laugh because, seriously, that’s the stupidest question he’s asked me tonight.
“Why? Hmm, let me see. You kidnapped my sister and beat her. You abducted women in order to sell them. You went behind Ares’ back to try to cause his downfall in place of your own.” I glance over Caleb and see his eyes tick at the mention of his nickname. “Caleb Junior,” I precise. “You ordered to have us killed. You kidnapped my brother and my fiancé, and to finish,” I turn to look at Senior, “you gave orders, pretending to be me. I think those are enough reasons, don’t you?”
Python frantically looks for an exit to flee from the scene.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” I advise.
“Fuck you.” His finger moves towards the trigger to shoot me, and I quickly fire back and hit him squarely between the eyes, causing Bailey to shriek.
Sorry, sis, but your twin is a monster if someone attacks the ones she loves. The guy collapses onto the floor, making everyone gasp.
The room is filled with an eerie silence.
Aidan and Scott do a double-take, their eyes widening in disbelief.
“One down. Who’s next?” I ask, absentmindedly clicking the safety on and off of my gun.
That’s the thing when people underestimate you. They don’t know what you’re capable of.
Caleb’s laughter echoes through the room, drawing the attention of the guards who still linger nearby. Not for long.
“Can I play now?” asks Skye in my ear.
“Not yet, wild cat,” I answer.
I know my brother and Aidan heard that. I ensured that all connections between them and us have been deactivated until now, except for Tim, who I chose to remain linked with them. I needed them to be focused on my sister and nothing else.
The sound of Em’s heels clicking against the floor catches my attention, signalling her arrival to the party. Her outfit of leather jeans and a tight top makes her look like a badass. I swear I can see Scott’s jaw clench as he watches her coming up beside me.