“Antagonize…are you kidding? He’s a psycho stalker! I’m married to a psychotic asshole who won’t let me leave him and who insists on watching me every second of the day.”

“Give him a chance,” she says quietly, calmly like he’s not going to be spying on her and Toni all day too. “He’s actually pretty fair and generous for a mob boss. Although, rumors say he has been surly ever since the bombing.”

“The what? Oh, the bombing at his casino. My father was there. He barely survived unscathed.”

“They barely survived. I bet whoever planted the bomb wishes they hadn’t. When Lochlan finds them, they’ll be begging for a swift death that he’ll never give them.”

That brings me up short. Coming to a stop on the paved path I ask, “What do you mean they haven’t found him? I thought the bombing was set up by Petrov who is dead.”

“Oh, it was definitely Petrov’s lacky who planted the bomb. Lochlan won’t rest until he finds out who exactly it was and makes them pay the way your father made Petrov and Kozlov pay.”

“They’ll deserve every second of the torment too,” Toni agrees, her first comment on our walk. “All those innocent lives lost…it’s so fucked up.”

“Toni was a huge Michael Avanti fan. You know, the action movie star? He died that night in the explosion.”

“I’m sorry,” I tell her.

“It’s not like she knew him personally or anything,” Lena remarks.

“Still, I’m sorry all those people died just because someone wanted to hurt my dad. And Lochlan.”

The two guards are both silent and share a look between each other through their dark sunglasses.

“What?” I ask them.

“We’re going to have to toughen you up, girly. You’re a mafia queen now. There’s no room for sweetness and light in this world.”

“I know that. My father is…”

“Yes, we know Dante Salvato is your father,” Lena interrupts. “And that he sheltered you and your sisters to keep you safe. Lochlan isn’t going to keep you locked away. In fact, everything depends on you being seen on his arm, which means you need to put some steel in your spine.”

Everything depends on me being seen on his arm? What’s that about? Toni keeps walking so I continue following along.

“Not to mention all his little harlots who will want you dead,” she adds.

Lena chuckles. “Death by the poison-tipped claws of a hooker. I wouldn’t put it past them.”

“You think…you think his prostitutes would hurt me?” I ask the two guards.

“Not physically, not when we’re around,” Lena says confidently. “That doesn’t mean they won’t try and tear you down with words or fill your head with bullshit. They all worship the ground Lochlan walks on.”

“And his dick,” Toni inserts.

“That too. You caught their white whale,” Lena explains. “Even if they all knew there was never a chance of Lochlan putting a diamond ring on any of their fingers, or over a dozen on a single one of their wrists, they’ll still be jealous as fuck that he married you. Try not to let them get to you. We’re not allowed to hit them. Nobody will want to screw a woman who is black and blue.”

“Well, there’s probably someone out there with that sort of kink, but Lena is right,” Toni replies. “We can’t lay a hand on them unless they physically assault you. Then again, if we were to somehow blink and miss an assault, it’s your word against theirs, and your word wins every single time.”

I’m still thinking that comment over when I see a busy construction area roped off with yellow caution tape up ahead in the distance. Men and equipment are strewn around the familiar green sight.

“Ah, it looks like the court is almost done.” Lena lifts her hand over her sunglass-covered eyes to block out the sun.

“Jeff said they just need to finish putting up the fencing and shade, so it should be ready for play later today,” Toni interjects while leading us closer.

“A tennis court?” I squeak in disbelief.

“Yeah.” Lena falls into step beside me. “You’re an avid player, right? Lochlan did his research and hired some folks last week to do the install. He has a few trainers and pros lined up on your approved visitor list to come play with you whenever you say the word, including the one from before, Betsy something-or-another.”

“He hired Betsy?”