“Yes, ma’am.”

“And if I want to play or train, there will be someone on the courts, just like that?” I snap my fingers while still staring at the site.


“Lochlan was super pissed that the installation took a day longer than the company said it would take,” Toni informs me.

“He built all this, just for me?”

“You’re his wife.” Lena says this simply as if it explains the trouble, the effort and money that had to go into the construction. “If you asked him for a piece of the moon, he would probably find some way to hop on a rocket to go fetch a chunk for you tomorrow.”


To convince my father he’s making an effort with me, so he’ll keep him as his successor?

“Why else does a man spoil his beautiful wife?” When I stare at Lena, waiting for her to answer her own question, she finally says, “For sex, of course.”

“What? No,” I sputter. I prefer the impressing my father option to that one. “I’m not…just because he built me a tennis court, I’m not going to have sex with him.”

Nothing will change my mind about that until Lochlan agrees to use protection and stop screwing his prostitutes.

“Then hold out for something better,” Toni suggests. “It’s not like he’s going to force you.”

“Right. No reason to force me when he has so many willing women at his brothels,” I grumble.

“Exactly,” Toni unfortunately agrees. “Ready to see the indoor and outdoor pools?”

I nod, at a loss for words, following along behind my two guards when I remember what I needed to ask them.

“Will one of you buy me a morning-after pill?”

“Never heard of it,” Toni instantly responds, which is most likely a lie.

“Sorry, girly. If the boss told you no, then we can’t help you,” Lena explains. “He would do worse than kill us if we helped stop you from conceiving his kid.”

“Worse than kill you?” I repeat. “Why would either of you take this job and work for him if pissing him off could happen any second?”

“Lochlan pays us enough to love you like a sister,” Toni explains. “Sure, there are risks, but it beats literally busting up my face to pay the bills.”

“What did you do before you came to work for him?”

“Little bit of this and that,” Toni replies. “I’ve been a bouncer, done some competitive weightlifting, and knocked some heads in MMA until I ran out of women to beat in my weight class. Most men were too big of pussies to fight me and lose.”

“And you?” I ask Lena.

“United States Army Special Forces. I can’t tell you more than that because it’s classified.”

Her rigid stance and perfect posture make sense now that I know she has military experience. Lochlan may have even mentioned it in the introduction, but I was still fuming mad at him, and only heard half of what he said.

“And Lochlan pays you enough to think of me like a sister?” I ask Lena.

“No. Like a daughter,” she replies with a grin. “I get paid twice as much as Toni.”

“Because of your service?”

“No, because if shit goes sideways with you, it’s on her as my superior,” Toni explains. “She calls the shots, gives me my orders.”

Lena shrugs like it’s no big deal. “I don’t like taking orders from anyone who doesn’t sign my paycheck, especially some idiot meathead on a power trip.”