“Is that what you think?” I ask her. “Because I don’t. I think Dante Salvato would never be foolish enough to destroy our alliance in less than twenty-four hours because of a teenager’s tantrum, especially if there’s a chance you have our heir growing inside of you.”

“There wouldn’t even be a chance if you had worn a condom or let me have a morning-after pill, you fucking asshole!”

“I expect better insults than that, princess.” She slouches in her chair, ignoring her food, sulking like the teenager she is. “Finish eating so we can go meet your shadows. They’ll show you around the property, get you settled in. And I will see you at seven o’clock tonight for dinner.”

“What if I don’t want to have dinner with you? Or breakfast?”

“Then I’ll find some way to punish you until you change your mind. Isn’t that what your father would do?” I ask her. “If you want to act like a child, then I’ll treat you like one.”

“You think I’m a child because I’m upset that you didn’t even ask me if I wanted to be a mother first? If anyone is childish, it’s you for that and for calling me a liar when I told you I was a virgin! And you’re the one who practically had a foot-stomping temper tantrum when I asked you to stop playing with your whores.”

“I don’t play with whores; I fuck them.”

“You’re disgusting.” Those two words are filled with buckets of venom, sharper than any knife I’ve wielded. They spear through me like the girl knows exactly where to hit to bring me to my knees. “If you gave me a disease or got me pregnant, I will make you fucking sorry.”

“You already have,” I assure her.

It’s been years since I let fucking words get to me, since I allowed the duct tape holding what remains of my worthless soul to be pierced.

Sweet little Snow White managed to rip off a chunk in less than twenty-four hours together. Why am I surprised when all I’ve wanted to do since I saw her is ruin her? She’s the closest thing to good and innocent that I’ve ever known in this world.

And she doesn’t want any fucking thing to do with me.

“Finish eating your breakfast so I can be rid of you. Since we’re not going on a honeymoon, I have business to handle,” I snap at her. As intended, she flinches at my words. Daddy no doubt made her feel like he had better things to do than coddle her constantly, while she pined for a sliver of his attention.

“I’m finished,” she mutters, getting to her feet.

“Great, let’s go.” I stand up and lead her down the hall of the first floor to my office. The two guards are still standing where I left them, waiting for us.

“Sophie, meet Lena and Toni. They’re both highly skilled warriors. Lena is a military vet who kicks ass at hand-to-hand combat. She’s also a sharpshooter that makes all the other guards jealous. Toni can choke out men twice her size in the cage and doesn’t mind fighting dirty. I would trust them to keep you safe even while blindfolded.”

“Being blindfolded was actually part of our performance test,” the blonde who is taller than I am says with a grin. “I’m Lena and this is the second best in the business, Toni,” she adds. Both women offer their palm out to Sophie who shakes them tentatively.

“It’s nice to meet you,” my wife says to them sweetly with a smile. Her venomous viper fangs are now carefully hidden behind her elegant beauty that’s blatantly obvious even in her casual attire.

That façade is why I thought she would be a docile doll who would always be terrified of me. I had no idea she could cut me open with only her words.

“Show her around and make sure she’s at dinner by seven,” I tell the women, talking about my ferocious little wife as if she’s not there, just to piss her off before I walk out the door, out the house, to go find someone to bleed.



Neither of the guards speak a word until the front door slams with Lochlan’s abrupt departure.

I don’t play with whores; I fuck them.

Dirty bastard.

And how dare he put up cameras in my personal space? When I’m naked in the shower? He’s a disgusting pig, and now he’s my husband.

“Shall we?” The tallest guard with a blonde ponytail and perfect posture, Lena, waves her arm toward the door. When I don’t move, she adds, “Mr. Dunne wants us to give you a tour of the grounds.”

“Right. Okay. Thank you.”

The shorter, stockier brunette with a buzzcut and biceps bigger than my thighs, Toni, takes the lead with Lena right behind me. I’m used to being the center of a guard sandwich, although I do already feel safer with two women.

“We heard the bossman yelling at you,” Lena says as soon as we’re outside through the backdoor leading to a spacious patio deck. Her and Toni both don dark sunglasses, making me wish I had brought mine. “You shouldn’t antagonize him.”