Page 189 of Taming 7

My face flamed with heat. “Gerard told you?”

“Didn’t have to,” Patrick replied. “Contrary to his actions and lack of impulse control, there’s only ever been you for him.”

My heart warmed at his words. “Really?”


“Hey, thanks, Patrick.”

“For what?”

“The clarity.”


“Speaking about great romances.” Waggling my brows, I leaned in close. “I heard a juicy rumor around school about you.”

His brows shot up. “You did, huh?”

“Uh-huh.” I grinned. “Apparently you’ve been getting down and dirty with one of Aoife’s friends.”

“Is that so?”


“Hmm.” Neither confirming or denying, he tore another piece of bread from his sandwich and popped it into his mouth.

Whoa, he would make a fabulous card player.

“Of course, that’s if you don’t have another girl from your long list of admirers lined up.”

Now he did raise a brow.

“Patrick, come on.” I laughed. “Don’t look surprised. You’re a total babe.”

Another cynical brow raise.

“Most of the girls in sixth year have the hots for you.”


“Don’t you care that girls are practically brawling in bathrooms over you?”

“I’m entirely uninterested in participating in drama, Claire. If that means I’m a loner or frigid, then I’ll happily shoulder the label. They can think what they want about me. I’m not pushed.”

“Wow,” I mused. “How does it feel to be so secure in yourself?”

“Why don’t you look in the mirror and ask the girl staring back at you,” he shot back with a smirk. “Because from where I’m sitting, she’s got a tight fist hold of her worth.”

“Hmm.” I smiled back at him, thoroughly enjoying this conversation and listening to his input on the world. “You’re good with words,” I offered. “When you use them.”

“I use them,” he replied. “Not everyone listens.”

“Ooh, deep… Okay, pee break!” Pushing my chair back, I sprang up and moved for the door. “I’ll be right back.”

“Take your time.” He laughed after me. “And too much information.”

Smiling to myself, I skipped down the corridor in the direction of the girls’ bathroom, stopping to call out, “Get a room,” to the ridiculously attractive couple eating the faces off each other in the stairwell on my way.