Page 188 of Taming 7

“Don’t you start with me, witch,” Gerard warned, holding a hand up to warn her off. “We both agreed to a treaty, remember?” That was true. Johnny had laid down the law in the common room this morning. The rules were made very clear to both of them. “If we can’t be civil, we stay silent. So, stay the fuck silent.”

“Come on, guys.” Shannon sighed. “Let’s not do this today, huh?”

“Do what?” Lizzie clapped back. “Be irritated by his presence because I’m sorry, Shan, but no can do. The fact that he’s above ground breathing is enough to put me in a bad mood.”

“Fuck you,” Gerard growled, shoving his chair back and standing up.

“What’s wrong, Thor?” Lizzie taunted. “You’re always full of comebacks.”

“Trust me, Liz, you don’t want my comeback,” he bit out, before stalking out of the lunch hall.

“Did you have to?” I demanded, dropping my head in my hands. “You were having a good morning.” That was true. Lizzie had surprising pep in her step when she showed up at school this morning.

“Yeah,” she wholeheartedly agreed. “Until he showed up.”

“Lizzie,” I growled in warning. “You have to drop this.”

“I will,” she assured me, leaning back to fold her arms across her chest. “When I’m dead.”

“Yeah, I’m not listening to this shite,” Johnny declared, rising to his feet. “I’ll see ya later, Shan,” he added, dropping another epic hair kiss to the top of her head before heading off in the direction of his friend.

“You know why he left, don’t you?” I snapped. “Because if he didn’t, he would have lost it with you.”

“You think I care what Captain Fantastic thinks?”

“I care what Johnny thinks,” Shannon offered calmly. “And you care what I think, so just sit with that for a moment before you snap back, Liz.”

To my surprise, she did just that.

“So, that was one hell of a party, huh?” I tossed out, trying to calm the waters once more. “We’re really lucky the neighbors didn’t actually call the Gardaí.”

“Pity they…” Stopping short, Lizzie calmly set her apple onto the table. “You know what?” She pushed back her chair and rose. “I think I’m going to get some fresh air.”

“Good,” Shannon praised, hurrying after her. “Fresh air works, too.”

“What’s happening to this gang?” I exclaimed when I was left alone at the lunch table with only Patrick for company. “I swear everybody is getting weirder by the day.”

“Honestly, who even knows anymore.” Shrugging his shoulders, Patrick unwrapped the tinfoil containing his sandwich and then proceeded to dump the entire filling out before taking a tiny bite of the crust.

“You don’t like your sandwich?” I asked, interest piqued.

“I don’t eat meat,” came his quiet reply.

“You don’t?” My eyes widened. “Since when?”

“Since I was five and had to help my father make black pudding,” he replied with a grimace. “Trust me, it’s a process you don’t want to know the inner details of.”


“Hmm,” he agreed, using a plastic fork to slide everything off his bread, including the butter. “Not the normal reaction of a farmer’s son, I can assure you.” He grimaced again before gesturing to the leftover filling on the tinfoil. “Hence my mother’s persistent efforts to get me to align with normal regulations.”

“Oh well, who wants to be normal anyway?” I offered, giving him my warmest smile. “Besides, I have it on good authority that weird is a side effect of epic.”

He arched a dark brow. “I thought the phrase was awesome.”

“Meh,” I dismissed, cracking open my can of Fanta and pushing it toward him. “Sip?”

“Nah, I’m good, Baby Biggs.” He chuckled, shaking his head. “So, how’s the great romance coming along?”