Page 190 of Taming 7

“Mind your business,” Aoife called back, not bothering to release her hold on Joey. “As you were, Stud.”

Aw…I hope they had condoms in the annex.

Pushing the bathroom door inward, I stepped inside and then, because I was a sucker for a good echo, I tap-danced across the floor, enjoying the clickety noise the heels of my shoes made against the tiles.

“Hey, girls,” I acknowledged, offering Helen and Shelly a wave before disappearing inside one of the cubicles to take care of business.

When I reappeared a few minutes later, they were both still there, leaning against the sinks with one of their camera phones in hand.

“What’s up?” I asked, joining them at the sinks to wash my hands.

“Do you want to ask her?”

“Oh my god, hells, no! I’m not asking her.”

“Well, one of us has to.”

“What’s up, girls?” I smiled. “Ask me what?”

Stepping behind Helen, Shelley pushed her forward and said, “Helen wants to know if it’s true about you and Gibsie.”

“What about us?”

“Are you with him?”

Excitement bubbled inside of me because I had waited sixteen long years to finally answer this question. “Yes.” Beaming, I clutched my chest and feign swooned. “I am absolutely with him.”

Instead of being thrilled like I had expected my classmates since first year to be for their fellow peer, they looked at each other with wide eyes.

“Why?” Instantly suspicious, I folded my arms across my chest. “What did you guys hear?”

“It’s not what we heard,” Shelley replied nervously. “It’s what we saw.”

“Saw?” I stared blankly. “I’m not following you.”

“Show her, Helen.”

“Show me what?” I demanded just as a camera phone was thrust in my face. “What is this?” I snapped, attention flicking between them. “What am I looking…” My words broke off and my breath hitched in my throat when I glanced at the screen of the phone.

The image was a grainy one, but it was clear enough to show Gerard sitting in the corner of Biddies bar in a compromising position with a girl dressed as Catwoman.

My heart stopped dead in my chest for a solid three seconds before slamming back to life with a vengeance. “Where did you get this?”

“We took it,” Shelly admitted.


“Halloween night.”

Oh god.

Oh god.


It was taking me over.

“It could be totally innocent,” Helen hurried to say. “I mean, it was almost closing time, and we only stopped into Biddies for a couple of drinks, but he came in and sat in the corner by himself.”