‘As in the bike?’
‘Y-y-y-yes, D… Daddy,’ Benji stammered, uncertainty in his voice.
‘Good, well let’s not waste a single second longer,’ Harrison decreed, sitting down on the bathroom bench before taking Benji by the arm and bending him over his lap. ‘Shorts and pants… off! I need to see these cheeks if I’m going to be turning them red.’
Keep it together, man.
This boy needs discipline, not lust.
But the cheeks are just so damn… peachy.
Harrison steadied himself and focused his mind. It was genuinely important that Benji was given a proper spanking. Benji had gone against the rules, knowingly and fully in the hope that he wouldn’t get caught out. Harrison knew that Benji wouldn’t have admitted to it – if he was going to, he would have already.
It was time to administer a painful reminder that rules existed for a reason, and anyone guilty of stepping beyond them was in line to be treated accordingly.
‘Now remember, you have your safeword should you need it,’ Harrison said, firmly affixing Benji in position on his lap. ‘But from this point onward, I will be giving you the full force of my hand on your bare butt. Am I understood?’
‘Yes, Daddy,’ Benji said, his voice full of nervous trepidation at what was ahead for him.
Harrison knew that as a first spanking, this was an important moment. It had been a while since he had delivered a punishment, and he wanted to make sure he got it just right.
‘We’ll begin with ten spanks. They will be hard and fast,’ Harrison said, his voice controlled but full of serious intent. ‘And off we go!’
‘Awwwwww! Daddy! It hurts! It hurts!’ Benji cried out, his cheeks looking suitably reddened from the initial burst of spanks.
‘Quiet. If you insist on speaking, I want to hear you thanking your Daddy for your punishment,’ Harrison roared, the feeling of referring to himself as Daddy filling him with a combination of pride, desire, and an intense wish to spank this Little’s round tushy even harder.
‘And one more for good luck!’ Harrison roared, delivering the final spank onto Benji’s glowing cheeks. ‘Naughty boys who tell lies get their bottoms heated up. I hope this makes that fact much clearer for you from here on in?’
‘Y-y-y-yes it does, Daddy,’ Benji whimpered, his voice quiet and subdued. ‘I’m really sorry. I mean it. I deserved every spank. I promise I’ll do better.’
Harrison could tell that Benji meant what he said. It had been a tough first punishment, and Harrison could tell that being spanked wasn’t something that Benji was used to.
In fact, Harrison felt pleasantly surprised that Benji had managed to make it until the end without using his safeword. But Benji had done superbly well. And now it was time to give the boy some much needed – and deserved – aftercare.
‘Good job we’re in the bathroom,’ Harrison remarked, reaching up to the mirrored bathroom cupboard and pulling out a big pot of skin cooling cream. ‘A few dollops of this should have that little bottom of yours feeling nice and cool in no time.’
Harrison began by dotting the cream down on various points over Benji’s throbbing butt. Then, with enough of the worst afflicted areas covered, Harrison began to gently massage the cream into Benji’s skin, gradually working it out over the full expanse of his pert backside.
‘That feels… nice,’ Benji said, almost purring in softly spoken delight.
‘No talking, just relax,’ Harrison replied, conscious that Benji wasn’t the only one who was enjoying this.