Gulp… this might get out of hand…
Benji knew in that moment that there was something happening between him and Harrison that was about way more than just a social media detox.
Benji sat at the kitchen table and listened to the shower go on. The very idea of Harrison being in the bathroom, naked and standing underneath a powerful jet of hot water was enough to make Benji want to pull his shorts down and play with himself right there and then.
Benji couldn’t remember the last time he had felt lust like this for a Daddy. Benji knew that he connected with Harrison on a personal level, but the physical side of things was spiraling out of all control – and fast.
Benji could feel his dick hardening in his briefs. It wasn’t a lazy, semi-erection either. Benji was going fully hard, and it seemed like the harder he tried to not think about Harrison’s wet, most likely soapy naked body the more aroused Benji got.
But suddenly, the sound of the shower came to an abrupt end.
‘Boy! Get here right this second!’ Harrison shouted, his voice full of genuine anger and frustration. ‘Ten… nine… eight… HERE! NOW!’
Benji felt like he was in serious trouble, but he had no idea why or what for. Without thinking, Benji sprung up from the kitchen table and knocked over his carton of new coloring pencils. With his coloring paper flying across the kitchen in his wake, Benji ran toward the bathroom.
Benji suspected that he was about to find out exactly what Harrison was angry about, but two things remained unclear – what did it have to do with Benji, and what would the consequences for him be?
Chapter 8
‘Three… two… one!’ Harrison bellowed, the sight of a panicked Benji poking his head into the bathroom doing little to calm Harrison down.
Grrrr. This boy is in trouble.
Big, butt-stinging trouble at that…
While he was queuing to buy the drinks earlier that day, Harrison had noticed Benji acting a little suspiciously. Maybe it was the natural born author in him, or maybe the Daddy, but Harrison’s senses had told him that something was amiss.
But, at the time, Harrison had decided not to pursue it. After all, what could Benji have possibly been doing? They were having a great morning, and the last thing Harrison wanted was to interrogate the boy now that he appeared to be losing the fatigue and stress that his overburdened life had given him.
During his afternoon climbing with Zane, Harrison had explained Benji’s situation with his manager, the exhaustion he felt, and the idea behind him coming to stay upstate. Harrison had also explained that Benji would be fully off social media for the duration, something that Harrison passionately felt would be of great help to Benji.
Zane had agreed that this all sounded good. But there had been a hint of caution in Zane’s words too – as far as Zane was concerned, it would be easier to put a Daddy on Mars than it would be to keep a boy off his social media accounts for more than a day or so.
Perhaps it shouldn’t have come as a surprise to Harrison then when he received a message from Zane a couple of minutes ago informing him that all of Benji’s social media accounts had brand new videos uploaded, status updates, and even the promise of more to come over the coming days.
This wasn’t good.
In fact, it was enough to make Harrison angrily slam his phone down on the marble bathroom worksurface. It was a miracle that his own phone hadn’t been shattered. But rather than take his anger out on his phone, there was a far more deserving target standing right in front of him.
‘Eyes up and pass me a towel,’ Harrison said, aware that Benji’s eyes were very much pointing in the direction of his naked, wet lower half. ‘Now!’
Benji jumped to attention and did exactly as he was told.
Harrison wanted to thrash his butt right there and then. But before he did that, he wanted to find out exactly what was going on, and hear it from Benji’s own mouth too…
‘We said you would not go on social media, didn’t we?’ Harrison said, wrapping the towel securing around his waist. ‘But you went against the rules, did you not?’
‘I… I… I… it was just a quick look,’ Benji said. ‘Then I logged in just for a second. Not long. Honestly!’
‘Grrrr. That is no way to behave, and you will need to be punished,’ Harrison bellowed. ‘We can talk about it in more detail later. But right now the only thing that will suffice is a good, hard spanking. Do you understand, and do you agree to this course of action, boy?’
‘Y-y-yes, sir,’ Benji said, his voice trembling and his cheeks flushed bright red. ‘I’m sorry! I know I messed up.’
‘Enough, no excuses,’ Harrison said, towering over Benji and feeling every inch a Daddy Dom. ‘Choose a safeword. I’ll push you hard, but I will always respect your safety and sense of wellbeing.’
‘BMX,’ Benji said, twiddling with his fingers, too embarrassed to look at Harrison in the eye.