Page 20 of Keep Me Daddy

Harrison could feel his rock-hard cock pressing and straining up against his towel. Could Benji feel it too? Harrison wasn’t absolutely sure either way, but it was difficult to imagine that Benji wasn’t totally unaware of it.

‘Now come on, you can come with me and have a snuggle with your stuffie in my big bed,’ Harrison said, lifting Benji up and carrying him over his shoulder out of the bathroom and down the hallway toward the master bedroom.

Harrison was lying on top of the duvet cover with a snoozing Benji lying under the cover next to him. With his stuffie wrapped up in his arm, Benji looked truly adorable.

Damn, this kid is something else.

How the hell has a Daddy not made Benji his yet?

Fuck. That’s not what this is about for us. Focus.

Harrison had been jotting notes for his new novel as Benji had slept. It was the most new material he had managed to produce in quite some time, and it felt good to be putting pen on paper in the old fashioned way.

‘W-w-what time is it?’ Benji said, opening his eyes and smiling broadly at the sight of Harrison lying next to him, albeit on the other side of the covers. ‘I think you spanked me to sleep!’

Harrison laughed.

‘Well, there might be some truth in that,’ Harrison said. ‘You took it so damn well too. I guess that means there’s potential for a harder spanking if you step out of line again.’

‘Or maybe even if I don’t,’ Benji said, blushing furiously and burying his head back underneath the covers.

Harrison couldn’t help but chuckle at the sight and sound of Benji’ giggling underneath the duvet. Even if his intentions were to keep this as a more formal arrangement, Harrison was beginning to realize very clearly that it was going to be a difficult – if not totally impossible – task to do so.

‘Okay, okay, enough!’ Harrison said, trying to sound serious and gruff but failing. ‘It’s time for you to get up and out of bed. I have work to do.’

‘Writing?’ Benji enquired, poking his cute face out from underneath the covers. ‘Like, a new novel?’

‘Yes. It turns out that having a boy in my house might not be such a pain in the ass,’ Harrison said. ‘You might just be inspiring me. But, whatever. It’s time for you to explore some of the campus by yourself. See what inspiration you find. Who knows, you might even make some new friends.’

Harrison was pleased to see Benji jump up out of bed and scurry out of the bedroom and to his own. The sight of Benji’s naked body leaving was a pleasure and a pain in equal measure. Harrison wanted Benji’s body, there was absolutely no denying his feelings on the matter now.

But more than anything else, Harrison felt a sense of Daddy pride at the fact that the boy was looking, sounding and acting a whole lot more positive now that he was letting go of his hectic city schedule and social media fixation.

As for Harrison, it was time to get to work.

This new manuscript wasn’t going to write itself, after all…

Chapter 9


The spanking had given Benji more than just a nicely toasted pair of butt cheeks. There had been something incredibly soothing and settling about being flung over Harrison’s strong, broad lap. The feeling of helplessness, total surrender and submission was indescribably awesome as far as Benji was concerned.

And just as Harrison had instructed, Benji had taken himself out of the house and was wandering around the main campus area, seeing for himself just how nice a place it was.

The contrast with the city was quite obvious.

Gone were the skyscrapers, loud cars and millions of people all jostling for position. In their place were beautiful old buildings that had stood the test of time and an eclectic mix of friendly and chilled out looking students.

This is… nice.

I feel so relaxed, it’s almost… weird.

Hmmm, who’s that?

Benji’s attention had been caught by a young-looking guy who was wrapped up in a green puffer jacket with a bright red scarf and matching bobble hat. There was something about him… he just looked like a Little.

Maybe it was the way he looked. Or maybe it was the fact that whoever he was, he seemed to be having a super-fun time with two toy airplanes. The way he was making them fly and then crash land into a big pile of fallen leaves looked so wholesome that Benji couldn’t resist – he simply had to go over and say hey…