I'm sipping on mead, hating the long hours I waste here at the banquet, when I'd much rather be in our room—a simple abode, but one that has become something quite like home over the last two days. But I know I'm watched. I must do as expected, appear where I should be, lest the lords figure out our lost little princess isn't all that lost.

Then there's chaos.

"I got them! I got them!" comes the excited scream.

The crowd rushes out of the pavilion toward the queen's way leading up to the Keep, and I follow, disliking everything about this disturbance.

Excitement like this can't be a good thing—not this week.

And them? Who could that be? They're after Darina, so they would have said “her” if they'd somehow managed to drag her out of the house I've sealed, guarded, shielded, and protected more than the average dragon's hoard.

Then I see them.

Small, terrified, unbearably human.

Oh, by all the cruel gods, no.

The woman's petite and slender, with reddish blonde hair falling in waves around her face. Her hands are bound behind her back, and the clothes she was wearing have been torn in several places. One of her tits is hanging out of the destroyed top, torn at the shoulder and her pants are ripped in several places—at the knees, thigh, ankle. The man's in no better state. His short salt-and-pepper hair and square, handsome face would have made him handsome if he didn't look so terrified.

I recognize the color of his eyes. Blue. The same exact shade as Darina's when she first arrived—and the color those ever-shifting eyes tend to return to.

They objectively don't truly look like her, yet at the same time they do. And I just know it's her parents. No other humans would cause that much smug excitement on Junis's part.

He grins, grabbing the woman by the hair and throwing her to her feet. "Now, let's see how long the little bitch will hide."

I have to restrain myself to stay planted on my seat.

Junis was always a problem, and one I should have taken care of before this. But honestly, I didn't want to. Murdering a lord isn't a great idea, no matter how disliked, useless, and vile they could be. His court would have needed to respond to the offense out of pride. I wanted an opportunity to do it quietly, without witness, and he's been surrounded every time we came across.

I should have had him followed, but I underestimated him. I figured he was only a threat when in direct contact with Darina—and I would never have let that happen.

And now, these mortals are going to die because of my negligence.

I could slit Junis's throat right now and it wouldn't fix the problem. They're here. Every lord of every court has seen them, smelled them. They know they exist. Darina's one vulnerability.

They're doomed.

A cold part of me admits it's not the worst thing. If they die now, they can no longer be used against her. But if she learns they're here, there's no question that my impulsive, caring, foolish queenling will take the bait.

"Listen well, lords, ladies!" Junis screams over the ruckus. "We're going to chant together, and let every single thing on this Hollow know what we have here."

My jaw tightens. As do my fists.

I catch Valdred's eyes, on the other side of the queensway, next to Relva, while the crowd roars their approval and elation.

"And we'll tell the royal bitch exactly what will happen to her family if she doesn't surrender to me. They're my prisoners. She's my quarry. Anyone disagrees?" he challenges, chest puffed up.

Junis is absolutely only claiming his rights here, under the laws of our land. Should his trap bring her to him, he'd be the only person able to claim this win.

And it will work. If most fae here accompany him in a song, it'll reach Darina. She's close. The house isn't warded against fae songs, not to mention, she does have an affinity for our music.She is going to fall for this. She will come to save them. And then, Junis will ensure to plant his claws deep under her skin, never allowing her freedom.

I would never have expected a power play like this from him. In other circumstances, he would have earned my respect. Now? All he gets is my rage, and the feel of my talons in his skull very soon.

It would be oh so easy to be rid of him now. The flick of a wrist ought to do the trick. But the humans would still be here, and they'd still be the perfect lure. Another lord will simply take over. We'd end right back where we are, with a worse leader at the head.

I'd have to kill Junis and the humans. Now. Before they can call to her.

But when she learns what you've done, she'll hate you forever.