That concern shouldn't be in any way relevant. I ought to do the logical thing, no matter her feelings.

And yet.

I take in the crowd. Ten from the bright court, seven from bones, twelve from gold, and thirteen from the court of wings. That's it for the seelie. No one other than Loch—still absent—came to the Hollow from their untamed lands. Then there's Junis's wife—no other lord accompanied him from the court of winter—and nineteen from night, five from silver, nine from blood, and seven with the sea court contingent, Relva excluded. She now belongs to our side. And we're woefully outnumbered.

Not necessarily outpowered, though.

I hesitate, but by my count, there are three of us here with power over shadow—myself, my dear, dear cousin from the court of wings, and the man they call the king of night, though his court has long ceased to be a kingdom. There will be no proving exactly who was responsible if I acted.

But I need to choose the right time.

And I need to decide who I'm going to murder in the darkness.




It's funny how after a lifetime of being in almost constant pain, I've never ached like I have the last couple of days.

I'll never understand people who like working out. Do I like the possibility of staying alive because I'm not getting snatched while catching my breath? Sure. If I have to get stronger, faster, better to not get murdered, that's what I'll do. But people who say they feel great after an intense workout are from another universe.

Rina, you're the one who is from another universe, idiot.

I'm in the bath again, soothing away Caenan's many hours of torture, when I hear it. That song again.This time, I don't have to ask myself what it is; I recognize the tune at the first note.The same haunting notes that got me into so much trouble in the first place what feels like a lifetime ago, although it was just last week.

Despite the fact that I hold that song solely responsible for the mess I find myself in, it's just as enchanting and for the first few moments, I grin.

Then I catch the words, and my blood turn to ice.

Once there was a queenspawn

And she liked to play

Her favorite game was to run away

But we lords won't be cheated,

Nor will we be sated.

Mommy has pretty red hair,

We like how she smells

Daddy was so sweet and fair,

Yet he screams in our snare.

So, come, come, little princess,

Don't be shy now,

Stop hiding from in the darkness,

Like a scared little mouse,

Meet us in the fresh air