I grimace with those last words.

If anything, he seems to believe it more than I do.

"Well, Valdred is powerful, and he has the ear of most seelie—except maybe his father, but who cares?" Caenan nods. "That could work. We'll need to contact him, make sure he supports your claim."

"I can approach him," Relva offers, batting her long lashes. "I haven't had the pleasure yet."

Her expression makes it clear how she intends to approach him, and what she'd like to do once she has her attention. I smirk at her, like I would at Rain.

Meanwhile, Ryther says nothing, surveying me with those eerie eyes full of stars.

Yep. He doesn't like it one bit.




I believe I'll look back on those days I had her to myself rather fondly.

Darina Thorn is a figure meant for the entire world. A thing, more than a person. But she's under my roof, eating my food, sleeping in my bed, and being fucked by my cock, my fingers, my tongue.

I pretend to hunt her during the day and attend the banquets at night, where the frustrated, angry lords drink themselves into oblivion while detailing the things they intend to do when they finally catch her.

I make a mental note of those I'll keep watching. Those far more interested by the prospect of hurting her than the promise of power.

I let Relva approach the prince of bone, little as I like or trust the boy. Besides, Relva, Caenan, and I need to be seen, acting our usual selves. Caenan already disappears for the best part of the day for Darina's essential training—something I would have taken over if I could. But while few eyes are ever on my second, everyone watches me.

For Relva, acting normal means flirting with powerful lords. She doesn't often go for seelie, but no one is surprised she starts with Valdred, known to be the strongest of them.

Being fully aware that it's the best course of action doesn't mean that I hate it any less. The fact that she insisted he ought to be our seelie ally means that to some extent, Darina trusts Valdred—or at least, trusts that he wants to be on her side. I'd hoped his earlier actions would have cemented her hatred for him, but our little queenling is apparently smart enough to compartmentalize her emotions and go for a logical course of actions, no matter whether she likes the man or not.

Who would have thought?

It's the third night; the conclave is officially over, and the rites will come to an end at dawn. Which means that we'll stop hiding and play a different kind of game.

It's almost time, and the anticipation is murder.

Tomorrow, she'll likely be crowned, but no less vulnerable than she was today.

Tomorrow, she's no longer yours.

I shake my head, rejecting that foolish thought. She's never been mine. No high queen could ever belong to one man.

Besides, she's still the blood of Morrigan, the blood that first sealed the divine gates. And I need her to close it. Which could very well kill her. And if it doesn't? I might have to give the fatal blow in any case.

Anyone approaching those gates has the overwhelming need to get closer. To approach. To enter.

Those who do are forever lost on the other side, becoming food for the horrors beyond.

But Darina could cross them, and come back, bringing those nightmares with her.

She cannot be allowed to do that. No matter the cost. I need her to bleed on the twin elder trees and walk away. Or I will make her.

I’ve waited a thousand years to secure the world for the next five thousand. This is my role, my duty, my responsibility. And I will do it if it kills me.

Or her.