Page 8 of Kenton's Courage

Yes, it was going to be fine…and those definitely weren’t going to be famous last words.

Chapter 3


“Working late?” Lucian was trying to look professional as he leaned against the door to my office but I could see the nosy fucker itching for gossip. “I thought you’d have plans with your new friend.”

Rolling my eyes, I leaned back in my chair and tried to look casual. “He’s got a social event through work.”

Kind of.

His explanation had been odd at best, but he was too excited to talk about someone getting engaged for him to have been cheating on me. I just couldn’t figure out which of the guys who’d worked on my property was the gay drama queen Kenton kept talking about. “We’re going to meet up if the party doesn’t go too late.”

“Hmm.” Looking thoughtful and still nosy, Lucian straightened and stepped into my office, doing his best to look casual as he closed the door behind him. “So, now that no one can eavesdrop, because Stanley is still hanging around here somewhere, I need the good details.”

How he could be a Dom and a nosy brat, I’d never know.

“The good details, huh?” Shaking my head, I sighed and shrugged after a moment. “I’m not sure there are any yet. There are cute details and interesting ones, though. I can tell you what his favorite plants are and what kind of sushi he likes.”

Lucian winced. “Really?”

“Hey, just because you can’t date vanilla doesn’t mean I can’t.” I just hadn’t done it lately. “He’s sweet.”

Barking out a laugh, Lucian plopped himself down in a chair across from my desk. “What you described was flirty and definitely kinky. You just haven’t asked him about it yet.”


“Because we’re taking it slow.” For God only knew what reason. “But you’re right, it’s getting to the point where I need to at least ask about a few things.”

Scoffing, Lucian rolled his eyes. “Yeah, just a few things.”

He was such a dick.

I was starting to see why he was single.

“I can have a vanilla relationship.” Besides, Kenton had to be vanilla chocolate chip at the very least. “I just need to explain a bit more about what my past relationships have looked like.”

I’d dated all over the scene but I’d always been more drawn to bouncy littles and subs who were on the lighter side. The handful of subs I’d dated who’d needed a firmer hand or who’d wanted more of a lifestyle relationship had never worked out.

Kenton wasn’t the type to want a Dom to take care of him constantly. He was too mischievous for that to begin with, but his non-vanilla side seemed to be playful and fun. I just wasn’t sure he knew he had a sub side.

When Lucian gave me a look like he thought I was an idiot, I frowned at him. “Hey, I’ve never been the one to have the did you know you’re kinky conversation.”

I’d have rather pointed out that he wasn’t straight. People had a logical frame of reference for a guy liking a guy, but there were a surprising number of people who didn’t understand kink at all.

Barking out a laugh, Lucian finally gave me a break. “Alright, yeah, I’ll have to agree that’s hard.”

He’d definitely had more practice with that conversation than I had.

“So…” Gesturing toward the Dom who thought he was amazing, I lifted one brow. “Your wisdom?”

His head was so big I wasn’t sure how he fit through the door.

“Ask him what he knows about BDSM.” Lucian shrugged like it was obvious. “You said he mentioned he had a friend who was a little.”

“I might’ve misunderstood that.” Kenton was interesting and when he chattered the conversation jumped all over the place, so it was possible he’d meant something else entirely.

Laughing, Lucian shook his head. “You said he was talking about a little friend who wanted spaghetti. There’s nothing to misunderstand about that.”