Page 9 of Kenton's Courage

When he said it like that, I wanted to believe him.

“Talk to him.” Back to thinking I was an idiot, he huffed. “Ask him what he knows about the lifestyle and make sure he knows you’re a safe person to share his curiosity with. If he thinks you’re the vanilla one, he might be protecting you.”

I was starting to think that would’ve been a very Kenton thing to do…especially after the way his coworkers had tried to save me from him.

“Fine.” Before I could decide if I was going to thank the asshole or throw him out of my office for distracting me, he got up and grinned.

“Have fun staying late. Talk to your boy. I’m outta here. Some of us have a life.” He nodded and strode to the door, throwing it open just in time to see Stanley standing entirely too close to it and clearly trying to eavesdrop. “Lose something?”

The nosy man in question went off, sputtering and shaking his head as Lucian glared at him. They’d been rubbing each other the wrong way since Stanley had started at the company the year before and time wasn’t making it any better.

I’d have thought it was some kind of sexual tension but Stanley was married to a woman and he had the erotic tension of a fish. He was also kind of mean to the janitorial staff, which put him in the shits in my book.

“See ya.” Not wanting our audience to hear anything else, I didn’t call out any of the smart-ass comments I wanted to make. That would not have been a good idea with our audience even though Lucian was a pain in the ass. He was also intelligent, though, and he’d made more than a few good points.

Taking a breath, I realized it was actually later than I’d thought and I was left wondering what the fuck Lucian had still been doing at the office too. Hell, all of us should’ve been long gone, so I packed up and headed down to my car.

My goal was to keep myself busy so I didn’t obsess about Kenton. But that didn’t last long because as soon as I turned on the car, he called.

Chuckling to myself, I put the car back in park and leaned back in the seat as I answered his call. “Are you calling to tell me you won’t be able to come after all?”

I was expecting him to chuckle, not let out a dramatic sigh.

“No. I have a confession to make and you have to let me say it before I get distracted or talk myself out of it because my friends said it was well past the point where I should’ve told you something and I’m really hoping this isn’t going to be a deal-breaker.” Kenton sucked in a breath, but he started talking again before I could even finish my what the fuck moment.

“I’m a pup and I have another job but that’s not important now. What’s important is that you know what I like because it’s a big part of me and I don’t think it’s something that I can turn off because I’ve tried and I just end up annoying more people and regular submission really doesn’t help.” When he finally paused, I was left staring at the phone.

He was a pup.

What else did he do?

If his pup side was as strong as I was starting to think it was, he hadn’t played enough lately because his brain was going a thousand miles an hour.

“Well, I didn’t think you were vanilla but that definitely answers a few questions.” That got a giggle from Kenton and he made a hum, clearly wanting more information. So before his brain could overload his mouth again, I kept going. “You are too bouncy and too cute to be vanilla. But I wasn’t sure you knew you might not be vanilla.”

More silly laughter escaped my pup, getting a grin from me as he teased and flirted. “I’m not vanilla. I’m a pup and I like playing and I like my tail.”

“I bet you’re a very sexy pup.” When he sucked in a dramatic breath, I worried that I should’ve said cute or another sweeter description even though I was definitely on the side of Kenton being hot as fuck with a tail.

“Oh, I am.” Letting out a long sigh, Kenton sounded like he’d melted. “I’m a very sexy pup and a happy one and an excitable one and a photogenic one and now I’m a hungry one. I haven’t eaten dinner yet because I was excited for the party and I haven’t really been eating enough the last couple of days because every time I thought about telling you everything my tummy would hurt.”

He’d definitely been hanging out with littles.

“Then I have to feed my pup.” The presumptive response just got a giggle out of him and I knew he’d be grinning and wiggling. “If you can break away from the party early, I’ll make you dinner and you can show me your pup. I’d love to meet him.”

Kenton’s happy squeal wasn’t quite ear piercing but it was filled with excitement. “Yes, I’m hungry and I want you to feed me. That’s a very Dom thing to do. Did you know that? I have questions, but I have to tell my friends I’m leaving and that you don’t hate me or think I’m bad weird. I’m going to get my stuff and come over. Is that okay?”

“Yes.” I wasn’t going to try to respond to everything or I’d be sitting in the parking garage all night, but I tried to get the basics from my excited pup. “Getting your stuff means getting your gear from your house? I just want to understand the timeline, pup.”

A needy whine came through the phone making me smile. “That’s not an answer. Although it will get you pets and tummy rubs.”

That did not help his ability to stay a fully human sub, but he seemed to like it, so I wasn’t going to apologize for distracting him. “Yes. I. Yes. I have to go back to my house. Is that fine? Time. You asked about the timeline. Um, less than an hour?”

That was perfect.

“Alright, I want you to be careful as you’re driving and make sure your friends understand I’m not shocked or upset.” His friends seemed to be a big part of his life and I didn’t want anyone assuming the worst. “But drive safe. Is that clear?”

“Yes.” For some reason, he sighed again. “That’s such a Dom thing to say. Okay, yes. I’ll be safe and I’ll tell them and then I’ll come. See you soon, Master.”