Page 7 of Kenton's Courage

It was over too soon, though, and he gave me one last brush of his lips before he straightened. There was heat in his gaze and something that looked like questions, but it could’ve been about anything. “Thank you for going out to dinner with me. I’m looking forward to this weekend.”

“Me too.” Oh yeah. “I…I think I gave you my number? Last week?”

I’d hoped he’d take that as a hint but he hadn’t.

He nodded, looking sweet again. “I didn’t want to come off like a stalker if you weren’t interested.”

I was interested…just not sure if he knew what he was getting into…which was why the guys had been trying to distract me.

Bane was yummy.

“I was interested.” There was no reason to hide that, especially when it got me another sexy grin.

“I’m glad.” Giving me one last peck, he pulled away. “I’m looking forward to getting to know you more, Kenton.”

That didn’t sound like I was going to get belly rubs or fucked anytime soon.

Nice guys just liked to torture needy subs, and by the time I drove off hard and whiny, I knew he was very nice…so I called Ian. “He’s nice. I don’t know what to do.”

His giggles were not helpful, but I was a wonderfully patient friend and waited until he found his breath. “I take it you didn’t tell him about the pup stuff?”

“I was hoping there would be a natural lead-in to it. There wasn’t. He asked me about trips and work and we talked about a lot of regular stuff. He was a really nice date and didn’t grab my dick or whisper anything stupid.” It’d been a while since I’d gone on a date with an actual gentleman. “He didn’t even think to ask if I was into anything weird.”

It’d been a while since a date hadn’t started with lists of fetishes.

“Oh.” Ian paused before he let out a breath. “Well, it’s good he’s an actual nice guy with a job and real stuff to talk about. He’s a full adult and not an asshole either. Hell, you even said your mother liked him.”

I wasn’t sure if that was something in Bane’s favor or not, but I nodded to myself. “Yeah, but I was hoping he’d add kinky to his list of pluses.”

“Then he’d probably be imaginary.” Ian laughed when I snorted. “He’s got to have at least one flaw and being vanilla seems to be it.”

“I can’t decide if that’s the worst flaw he could have or not.” I was trying to think positively but I was too hard for that. “What are the chances he’s vanilla because he just hasn’t been exposed to kinks before?”

Ian’s laughter said what he thought of my question.

He was a big pain in the butt for being such a cute little.

“It’s not that unreasonable of a request for the universe.” He could only laugh so long, right? “Fine. I’ll just figure out how to bring it up.”

As he finally got himself under control, Ian tried to boost my confidence. “At least you don’t have to explain stuff like diapers and bottles or coloring and cartoons. You just need to tell him tails are fun and you have a lot of energy to burn off.”

Okay, he had a point.

“Yes, he has to understand the logic about tails. Inside tails are magical and that should be obvious.” And the wiggly thing probably went without saying. “It’s going to be fine and it’s going to make perfect sense.”

I was going to keep my fingers crossed, though.

“Getting to know someone before you jump into bed or a scene isn’t a bad thing.” Ian’s voice sounded like he had a sad smile on his face. “He sounds like a good guy, and you already said he wasn’t annoyed by how bouncy you can be.”

“Yes, that’s another good point.” Taking a deep breath, I focused on the road and happy thoughts. “He thinks I’m funny and he already asked me out on a second date.”

Or had I asked him out?

Deciding that didn’t matter, I kept going over the good parts. “We had lots of stuff to talk about and he didn’t seem to think landscaping was a stupid job.”

“That’s great.” Ian sounded like his little side was peeking out. “Another good sign. It’s going to be fine. You just need to tell him what else you do for a living and as a major hobby in your life.”

“Yes, people talk about jobs and hobbies every day on dates. It’ll be fine.”