“Your fan club is calling.” I reach out as she continues to back away. I can’t help it, I need to touch her, I need to know that she’s real because I’ve never been this captivated by someone before. “Oh, Billy, you’re a danger to my heart. I can already see it.”

She slips from my hold and walks away, only to glance back over her shoulder, turning and walking backwards as she says, “I’ll be seeing you.”

And with those last four words, she’s gone.



“When you promisedyou’d be seeing me, I didn’t think it’d be this soon. I must have made some impression, huh?”

I smile at the Roasted Chestnut cashier, handing over my card to pay for my coffee as I do my best to ignore the way my heart rate increases just by hearing his voice.

“Good morning, Billy.”

“Mm, now it is.”

Turning away from him, I grab a few napkins from the dispenser, knowing he’ll be right behind me. He’s following me like a lost puppy, but he doesn’t know I have treats in my pocket, hoping to entice him. Iwanthim to follow me.

Billy Casanova has been a pleasant surprise here in Christmas. He’s the cutest guy I’ve ever met, having a childlike charm that makes him fun to be around, but he radiates a mannish need that makes you crave all of him. Everything he does is done with purpose.

Billy doesn’t just enter a room, he owns it with a swagger in hisstep. He doesn’t just listen when you speak, his thoughts wander way beyond what you're saying, his flirty, smug grin speaking volumes.

Since moving back home, Adam has buried himself in the family business. I understand he’s the firstborn and wants to do all he can with his dad, but Chelsea is having a hard time adjusting to a new town by herself. I decided I would stay here for a few weeks with her since I’ve got all the time in the world having just completed my Masters in journalism.

And being here, surrounded by inspiration, has certainly enhanced my writing abilities. And I don’t mean from my currentwhateverI’m in.

My on-again, off-again boyfriend, Steve, and I went to high school together, then he followed me to college, and it slowly morphed into a relationship. There was no elaborate line that we crossed. We went out in groups, then we went out just the two of us, and then we got drunk one night and ended up sleeping together.

We never even said we were officially a couple, and I still do my own thing because I don’t want to be questioned, and Steve respects that. Maybe that should be a red flag for me, but I don’t care enough to think twice about it. I won’t commit, and he knows it.

Not after what I’ve seen growing up.

Why he’s still sticking around is beyond me. I was so wrapped up in my studies to get my degree, we haven’t slept together in months, so those same red flags are still flying high. I have a feeling it will wear itself out the longer I stay here in Christmas, and I’m okay with that.

I lean back against the counter, leaving only a few inches of space between us, and look up into his chocolate eyes that seem to hold me hostage. He’s so intense it’s like he can see right inside to my soul.

I sip from my cup, taking extra care of licking my lips, and he watches my every move. “Shouldn’t you be at work? Or does Daddy give you special privileges?” I ask with a raised brow. I know I’m poking the bear, but I want to see how he responds to a bit of ribbing.

He cracks a smile and places his hand on the counter next to me, leaning in close. “I was born with special privileges, if you know what I mean.”

“Says the baby Casanova.” I roll my eyes and brush past him, but he follows, running ahead and opening the door for me. I barely manage to hide my pleasure at his actions as I step off the curb down to my car, opening the driver’s side door and sliding in.

“I promise you, I’m no baby.”

Placing my coffee in the holder, I start the car, but Billy leans into my already opened window so I retort, “Maybe one day you’ll get your chance to prove it.”

I wink at him as I throw the car in reverse and chuckle to myself as he jumps away from the rolling tires. Stopping and putting the car into drive, I call out. “Hey! What’s your type, Casanova?”

“Dark hair. Green eyes. Nice ass.” The three attributes fall from his lips as if he practiced them and was waiting for me to ask, his coy smile gives him away.

Glancing in the rearview mirror, he’s still standing there, shaking his head with a smile that I’d love to kiss right off his face.

Well, shit. It seems Billy may be more than I can handle.