Startled, I take a sip of my beer. “What are you talking about?”

Tom nudges me. “I see you. Just be glad Chelsea doesn’t. She’s going to end up our sister-in-law one day, so don’t fuck over her sister before the family ties begin.”

I shrug. “Don’t need a warning, bro.”

“I’m not going to be here to bail you out when Adam gets wind of it.”

Hearing him remind me he’ll be gone only turns my stomach.

“Don’t fucking remind me,” I grumble against the bottle before downing my beer and throwing the bottle into the nearest garbage can.

“Bill. It’s going to be okay. We’ve said goodbye before, we can do it again. I just need you to support me.” He puts his hand on my shoulder, squeezing and pushing me around.

“And what about me? Where’s my support when you’re gone?”

“What are you talking about? Adam is moving back home now. Francesca is just about finished with college. You’re not alone.”

“It’s not the same. Nothing is ever going to be the same again.”

I feel his eyes on me, but I refuse to look at him. Instead, I inhale deeply, letting it out slowly as I look out across the yard again, finding Adley. She’s gorgeous, flying in her element, fitting in perfectly with our crew.

“How does Adley know everyone already?”

“Chelsea’s been bringing her around for girls’ weekends. And I think when Francesca visits, she brings Farrah and Britt. You know the girls. They find each other and grab hold.”

I want to grab hold of Adley. I just can’t shake the thought that she’s different. Maybe it’s because she didn’t automatically fall at my feet like other women do. And she called me a kid! I’ve bagged older women, much older than her, so to hear her call me a kid makes me laugh.

“I’m going to grab another beer before Mom cuts us off.”

“Bro, she’s not cutting us off! She’s had just as many as us!” We laugh together at our mom’s outrageous party attitude. “She’s already collected everyone’s keys. We’re fine.”

He nods and claps me on the back, heading to the bar set up by the pool. I breathe in the summer air, and attempt to calm my mind and body amidst all the changes. Again, I search the yard, hoping to see the woman who has caught my eye.

“Penny for your thoughts?” Adley pops up, startling me. “Do I make you nervous, Billy?”

Smiling, I lean down on the railing of the deck, taking one last passing glance over the crowd in the yard, and turn to her. “Nervous? No. Intrigued? Absolutely.”

“Oh? I’ve never been called intriguing before. Do tell.” Her eyes flare and her lips curve up in a knowing smile.

“You’re wild.”

“I’m sure you’ve met wild women before, Bill.”

“Oh, I have. But you’re a different kind of wild. You’re a wild by nature, not a wild out of control. You light up the world around you with one smile, and pull people in with one glance. I’ve never seen an angel set the place on fire just by being.”

“Wow.” She claps her hands slowly three times. “Slow clap for the Casanova. You’ve got this love thing down pat.”

“Just speaking from the heart.”

“And I thought I was good with words.”

I frown at her statement but before I can ask what she means, myname is called, and Adley glances past me, no doubt taking in the woman who called me as she backs away from me.

“Don’t leave.” The words are out before I can pull them back and she raises a brow, a smile forming on her lips.

“Miss me already?” She glances again as the woman calls my name a second time.

Fucking Grace.