Entering my brother’s house, I bellow for his girlfriend. Any reaction out of Adam for my bellowing is a bonus in my book. Out of all my siblings, he’s the one I love to annoy the most. Being the oldest, he thinks he knows better than all of us, and I love to take every chance I can to knock him down a peg or two.

“Why does everyone enter my house and yell for my girlfriend?”

“Because she deserves to have her name screamed, Adam. And I doubt she’s had it done properly.” I laugh while dodging his swing and continue to egg him on. “You’re so slow, big brother.” Shaking my head andtskinghim. “Such an embarrassment.”

“Billy, leave your brother alone. He’s had a rough week at work,” Chelsea pipes up.

“You forget I work with him?”

“FOR him-”

I wave Adam off dismissively then say, “If anyone needs sympathy,it’s me.” Pulling her into a hug, I swing her around and waggle my eyes at Adam. “Give me some love, Chels.”

She bursts into giggles, and I groan as Adam punches my arm. “Damn, bro.” I let her go, rubbing the sore spot. “Take a joke. I bet Bobby Knight doesn’t treat his family that way.”

Adam’s brow furrows and he opens his mouth to speak but I cut him off, not wanting to give away our secret nicknames for him. “So, this sister of yours. Where’s she at?”

Adam lunges for me again, but I quickly grab Chelsea and use her as a shield. She swats at me and pushes me off her. “Did you come here only to start trouble?”

“Tom’s gone. I have no one to start shit with at my house.”

“Then go back home and wait for someone to show up.”

I walk into the kitchen and rifle through his fridge, grabbing a beer and popping the top as I walk back into the living room. I fall onto his couch and prop my feet on the coffee table, and he swats at my legs as he says, “Get your dirty shoes off my table.”

“You sound like Dad.”

“Exactly. That’s why he gave you your own house. Go put your shoes on your own table.”

Stretching my legs back out, I cross my feet on his coffee table again. “I’m convinced Dad bought us these homes to make sure we stop breaking shit at his house.”

“No, he just got sick of buying food to keep you full. Eighteen and out!” He mimics my dad’s voice, and I crack a smile.

“So, you’re telling me he doesn’t know mom still shops and fills my cabinets?”

“She does what?” His eyebrows knit together as he glances between me and Chelsea.

“It’s good to be the favorite, Adam.” I drain half my beer, winking at Chelsea as she soothes Adam’s bruised ego.

My father worked his ass off to start House o’ Love Construction. Then he continued working his ass off to make it the most in demand construction company in the county. My Gramps, my mom’s father, was a builder back in his day. It was never anything as big as what wehave now, but he was a good worker and provided a great life for my grandma while raising my mom.

The town of Christmas has grown in the years since we’ve been here. As kids, it was cool seeing different buildings go up. The empty shells were the perfect ones to party in. Add in the fact that my family owned them, and it made it easier to get away with. I didn’t fear getting into trouble because I knew they’d cover for me, so I took advantage of the ‘baby of the family’ status. Girls, alcohol and some party drugs made me the most popular tenth grader in town.

Now, looking back as an adult, I know I did some real stupid shit and, most days, I’m surprised I made it out of high school. Dad built a legacy and I’m proud of him and glad I didn’t screw it up knowing I’d eventually work for him after Adam and I spent the most time learning about the business growing up.

I’m also convinced he bought us homes to ensure we wouldn’t leave him and mom. But he also didn’t want us living in his house forever. I’m grateful for it, though. Tom and I share a home right now while more are renovated by dad. It’s hard being there alone, so I find myself at their place often.

“So, Adley?”

Chelsea comes over and sits right next to me. “Adley will run you over before you even realize she’s in front of you, Bill.”

I raise my brows. “I mean, I like it rough. I’d be okay with that.”

“Billy!” Adam barks, and I burst into a fit of laughter as he stalks out of the room.

“How do you deal with that?” I ask, and she shakes her head and waves her hand in the air, so I add, “So, where is your sister?”