Page 83 of Over & Over

He wraps an arm around my shoulder and leads me toward the chairs where everyone else sits. “Now, we wait.”


The stiff sheets and plastic mattress rustle below me, creating way more noise than bedding should be allowed, as I try to get comfortable. It’s impossible. Every position hurts. I feel like I’ve been… well, run over.

And I’d do it all again if it meant protecting Lily.

“I could strangle you, Lancelot.” She tells me again. She’s said it so many times since I woke up and saw her furious, worried eyes I lost count. I want to say she doesn’t get it, but I know she does. It’s why she’s so angry.

She can’t live without me any more than I can without her, so she knows I would do anything to make sure she always keeps breathing. And if I die doing it, then we’ll meet in the afterlife, and she can castrate me there.

“You can do whatever you want, baby? If choking is your kink, then I’m all yours.” She swats my shoulder, and I groan.

Then she panics. Her violent outbursts might be what kills me.

Though, my mom has been trying with her death stares for the last two days, just like now. Her blue eyes burn a hole in the side of my face. She thinks I haven’t seen her do the same to Lily, but only a blind man would miss the daggers. Especially when Lily perches on the bed next to me.

I need to speak with my mom, but getting either of them to leave has been impossible. Though my dad is on his way to force them both to get proper food and showers.

Lily tries to hide it, but I can see how exhausted she is. And she’s in pain. She might not have had any major injuries—thank God—but you can tell by her slow, stiff movements and how she breathes through them she’s sore.

There’s a knock, and the heavy door swings open. My dad walks in with Casey, giving me a proud smile when he sees Lily tucked into my side. He’s known about her for a while. When everything went down with Krista, I needed someone besides Henry—because he was an ass about the entire situation—to talk to. My dad is the one who told me to pull my head out of my ass and fight for the girl.

“I came to take some lovely ladies to lunch.” Mom shoots him a glare, and Lily’s brows dip. “It is not a request, Deanna.”

“Come on, Lily. You’ve got to want more than the chips you’ve been living on.” Thank you, Casey. I owe you big, baby girl.

“Go get food, little flower. I’m not going anywhere.” Her lips press between her teeth as she shakes her head, chuckling lightly. “Please.”

“I don’t want to leave you alone.”

“He won’t be. There are quite a few young men waiting outside. They figured the room was too small for all of us.”

They’re not wrong. The room is too small for just Lily and Mom.

“Okay. Fine. Only for lunch, though.”

“I’ll take it.”

They leave, and in walk my friends—my family. And as I knew, there’s barely shoulder room. Angel and Henry are quick to claim the chairs. Ryder takes the small window seat, leaving Jake, Dane, and Maddox to stand. Or so I thought.

I groan loudly when Maddox throws himself next to me on the bed. The sadistic fuck grins and jostles me again. He knows exactly how to inflict maximum pain without actually causing more damage, and I feel like this is more payback for my shit behavior a year ago.

“You too good to stand?” I growl. “Isn’t there a visitor limit or something?”

“Mate, when you look like we do, there is no such thing as limits.” Ryder cackles when I roll my eyes.

“Why are all of you here?” I try to get comfortable, but it’s not possible when you’re six and a half feet tall with another six-foot-three-inch grown fucking man trying to spoon you.

“Just wanted to make sure you are all right,” Jake tells me as he swats at Dane, who’s opening a drawer to something.

“Is it me, or do we spend a lot of time in hospitals?” Angel smirks at Maddox who lifts his middle finger.

“At least it’s not me this time,” he mock grumbles.

“Just keep taking those happy pills,” Ryder leans over, slapping him on the back, jostling him into me.

“Mother fucker,” I hiss, then say it again when the asshole winks at me.