Page 84 of Over & Over

“When do you leave?” Jake asks, then snatches forceps from Dane, tossing them into a corner. I don’t know what’s going on between those two, but whatever it is, Dane is purposely trying to piss Jake off.

Then it occurs to me, but Angel says it first. “Did you forget to knock again?”

Dane jerks around, eyes narrowed as he points a finger. “I did not forget to do shit. This asshole took advantage of my sister in my damn living room.”

We all burst out laughing. Dane has a history of calling or walking in on his younger sisters at inopportune times, then screaming trauma. I guess this time, he decided to annoy the fuck out of Jake as payback. “How is it my fault you came home early?”

“It’s your fault you can’t keep it in your damn pants. What’s wrong with waiting until you got home?”

Jake grins, lifting a shoulder. “The kids were all asleep. What else were we supposed to do?”

Dane throws his hands up, then stomps to the corner and huffs.

But the conversation reminds me. “Your sister is never to know what you saw. I’ve realized she’s more likely to act like him.” I point at the sulking, inked-up drummer.

Angel laughs and shakes his head. “My lips are sealed. I’m not a child.”

Dane mimics him, further solidifying his position.

“Back to the question. When can you kick this joint?” Jake repeats.

“Today.” All our heads snap toward the door where Dr. Ahrens, my orthopedic surgeon, has walked in, dressed in blue scrubs. I assume going to or coming from another surgery. “I don’t know your company’s policy on sick leave, but I’m excusing you from work for two weeks.”

“He has bloody brilliant employers. They’ll ensure he receives proper care,” Ryder tells the doctor with a grin.

The doctor nods. “Then let’s get you discharged.”

When the doctor leaves, the guys all stand up, and Ryder speaks up again. “We’re serious, mate. You will take care of yourself. You’d do the same for us. You have done the same for us.” He moves his fingers between him and Maddox. “If you need anything, consider it done.”

“And don’t let your goddamn pride stop you from asking,” Maddox adds, patting my leg with a villainous grin.

They follow each other out, leaving just Henry and me. I’ve wanted to talk to him alone since I woke up. It’s why I needed my dad to get Lily and my mom out of here. I won’t keep my thoughts from Lily, but I want to talk to Henry first.

“Krista is the one who hit me,” I tell my best friend.

He leans forward, running a hand over his jaw. I wish he looked more surprised. I’m not shocked he doesn’t. “I already suspected.” He chews his cheek as his hand comes up, rubbing the back of his neck. “Casey-uh… She thinks it was her mom, too.”

“How…” My brows dip, and I shake my head. I get Henry’s suspicion, but Casey… “Why would she assume that?”

“When the police came to get Lily’s statement, she heard them mention the car—a silver Mercedes AMG GT—coupled with her not living far from there since she moved back in with Davis. He sees my argument before I speak and raises his hand, cutting me off. “I know there are a lot of cars like that in Manhattan, but you know, I don’t believe in coincidence.”

I scrub my hands over my face with a growl, then lay my head against the pillow. “I don’t know what I hate worse. That she knows how crazy her mom really is or that I can’t protect her from it anymore.”

“I know, man. One day, I’m going to kill that psycho bitch. You realize that, right?”

“No, you won’t. You won’t risk your life with Ashleigh and the kids for an insane nut job.”

“Who said I’d be risking anything?”

“We’ll see,” I mutter. “Krista was aiming for Lily.”

“You definitely saw her?” The doubt in his eyes is understandable. As fast as everything happened, most wouldn’t notice.

But it was broad daylight. I saw Krista through her windshield when she approached the light. I also saw her slowing down.

Until Lily stepped off the curb, and I saw myself losing everything in a breath.

The next breath, I grabbed her and threw her back onto the sidewalk. I didn’t even have time to prepare for the impact, not that I could.