Page 82 of Over & Over

Blood or not, everyone in here is his family, but I understand they can’t drop everything. Angel and Henry are undoubtedly keeping them updated.

No sooner does the thought leave me than the door opens, and in walk the rest of the guys.

I don’t mean to, but I burst into tears. Angel hugs me tight, shushing away my tears. This proves what I’ve always known, but he still struggles to grasp it. He is their family. He has his parents, Henry and Casey, but he’s never seen himself wanted by anyone else, including me, for so long…

Maybe now he will finally realize. He’s not just wanted. He’s loved.

“Got here fast as we could,” Dane says with a wink. “Picked up a stray on the way.” He jerks his head toward Jake, who rolls his eyes, looking ready to slap his brother-in-law and best friend.

“What’s the news?” Ryder asks, ignoring whatever is going on behind him.

“We were just about to find out.” Henry nods at the doctor to continue.

The doctor’s mouth puckers for a moment as he takes in the recent additions to the group, then shakes his head. “We’ve run a full battery of tests on Mr. Parsons. Mr. Parsons is a very lucky man. He suffered a mild concussion and needed fifteen staples to close the open wound on the back of his skull, twelve sutures over his right eye, and five for his right cheek. He also has multiple broken ribs. All of that will heal just fine. Our primary concern is his leg. Both his tibia and fibula were severely damaged and require reconstructive surgery to repair.”

“We’re not hearing the lucky part, doc.” Mr. Parsons says.

The doctor gives a genuine, if a little condescending, smile. “Broken bones heal. He didn’t suffer any damage to his internal organs or arteries. Very lucky, indeed.” He nods to himself. “That said, I’m uncertain what Mr. Parsons’ job entails, but he’ll need a few weeks off that leg.”

“He’ll get it,” Ryder assures.

The doctor nods and continues. “A wheelchair for the first week or two then crutches. No weight bearing for a minimum of four. Physical therapy will be needed for several months. But, given no complications, I see no reason he won’t make a full recovery.”

I almost burst into tears again. It takes effort to hold back the waterworks.

“Okay, then. We need a few signatures giving us permission to operate.” The doctor gestures toward the nurse behind him, holding a tablet. “And I’ll see all of you in a few hours.”

The nurse approaches us with a smile. “It’s not many, I promise.”

“Yes, of course.” His mom nods rapidly as she dabs away the moisture from her eyes. Whatever you need. This is his daughter, and we’re his parents.”

“Actually,” the nurse looks up from the tablet, her eyes darting between all of us. “I need the signature of Aliana Martin.”

My brows launch to my hairline as I gasp.

What the fuck has he done?

“Why would you need her to sign?” His mom looks confused—and suspicious as hell.

My mouth opens and closes like a dying fish. Casey looks like she wants the floor to open and swallow her whole. Henry’s lips are pressed into a thin line, barely holding it together. All the other guys, including my worthless brother, walk away.

I’m left alone to handle this, but I have no answers. How am I supposed to know why they need my signature? That’s not usually something they designate to girlfriends. But it’s the only answer I have, so I start to tell them. But Mr. Parsons places an arm across his wife’s shoulders with a grin. “Come on, beautiful. Let’s go over here and talk.”

Now, I’m confused. I look at Henry, knowing he’ll have the answer, and he shrugs. “He told his dad about you a long time ago.”

Why do I even bother scraping my jaw off the floor at this point?

“Miss Martin?” I turn my attention back toward the nurse. “Can you sign here, please?”

“When did he do this?” I ask her.

“I don’t know.”

“Last year,” Henry answers for her. “He was a massive ass to Quinn when Maddox was in the hospital, and he realized he didn’t want that to happen to you.” I wonder why he was an ass to Quinn, but I don’t ask. It’s not important.

When the last line is signed, she disappears to the back.

I look back at Henry. “Now what?”