Page 47 of Grim

“Any vomiting or diarrhea?”

“A little last night,” Jenna answered.

“Eating and drinking?”

“A little juice, but no real food since lunch yesterday.”

Blade was steadily checking her stats as he asks, “Has she had any issues like this before?”

“No, she rarely ever gets sick. She always eats well and is pretty healthy.”

Blade placed his hand on Luna’s side as he whispered calmly, “Alright, kiddo. I’m gonna have to do something that might hurt a little. I just need you to hang in there for me, okay?”

Luna gave him a little nod and watched with a fearful eye as he pressed down on her side. She whimpered a bit, but she handled it just fine. “I don’t know, guys. She’s too young to be dealing with appendicitis and there’s no obtrusions, so I’m pretty sure it’s just a bad stomach bug and she’s a little dehydrated. You could take her over to the ER and have her checked out just so we’re sure.”

“No insurance, so just do your thing and we’ll see how she does.”

“Alright. I’m gonna start with some fluids and an antibiotic. Once I get that going, I’ll give her something for the fever and nausea.” Blade grabbed an IV bag as he told us, “I can draw some blood and send it over to one of my friends at the lab. That way, we’ll know for certain what we’re dealing with.”

“That would be good. Thanks, brother.”

“No problem.” Blade turned his focus back to Luna. “Don’t worry, doll. We’re gonna get you all fixed up.”

Relief marked Jenna’s face as she said, “Thank you. I don’t know how I will ever repay you.”

“It’s all good.” Blade gave her a wink. “Glad I can help.”

Jenna and I stepped back and gave Blade some room to do what he needed to do. Memphis hung out for a bit, but when Blade started to put in the IV, he’d had enough. He leaned over to me with a grimace as he said, “Hey, brother. I’m out. I’ll catch up with you two later and see how she’s doing.”

“Sounds good.”

“It was nice to meet you, Memphis.” Jenna motioned her head towards Luna. “I’m sorry it was under such crazy circumstances.”

“Nice meeting you, too. Really do hope she gets better.”

“Thank you. I appreciate that.”

He gave her a smile, then turned and headed out of the room. Jenna and I turned our attention back to Blade and Luna. He was soft and gentle with her, and Luna looked at him with trust in her eyes as he gave her the medicine she needed. I found myself wondering if she could ever look at me like that. I found it doubtful. And that had me looking away.

That’s when I realized Jenna was staring at me, and she had this weird look on her face. Before I realized what she was doing, she’d reached out and wrapped her arms around me, hugging me tightly. Her mouth was at my ear as she whispered, “Thank you, Grim. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.”

I didn’t respond. I just sat there, letting her hug me.

I’d made a point not to touch her. I knew it was just asking for trouble. And I was right. It felt good to be in her arms—damn good, and I only wanted more. But she’d been through hell and needed the hug.

So, I did the only thing I could.

I hugged her back.


“Her fever broke.”

“Really?” I sat up in my chair and stretched, trying in vain to ease my aching muscles. “Does that mean she’s better?”

“It’s definitely a good sign.” Blade was the nicest, smartest doctor I’d ever met, and I couldn’t have been more relieved when he said, “I got the test results back, and it looks like she was fighting off some kind of gastrointestinal infection. Nothing major. Just something kids pick up from time to time. The antibiotics I gave her should take care of it.”

“That’s great.” Blade glanced over at the clock, then looked back to me and said, “It’s been a long night. Why don’t you go down to the kitchen and grab yourself a bite to eat.”