Page 48 of Grim

“That’s okay.” Blade had been so wonderful. Not only had he helped Luna, but he’d done his best to look after me as well. “I’m not all that hungry.”

“You’re not going to do her any good by wearing yourself out. You’ve been here all night. You need to eat, and you could use some sleep, too.”

“I don’t want to...”

Before I could finish my thought, the infirmary door opened and a man I’d never met stepped into the room. He was older with a broad, muscular build, and while he was handsome, he was terrifying. There was no mistaking the patches on his cut. He was the president of Satan’s Fury—which meant he was the fiercest of them all.

He had an aura of authority that made it difficult to look away, especially when his eyes were fixed on me and my daughter. His expression hardened into a glare that sent shivers down my spine. He crossed his arms as he asked, “How are things going in here?”

“Pretty good,” Blade answered. “Her fever just broke.”


Blade gave me a reassuring look as he said, “This is Prez.”

“You can call me Preacher.”


Preacher turned to Blade as he ordered, “Give us a minute.”

“Sure thing.”

Blade gave me a reassuring nod before slipping out of the room. My heart started to race when he asked, “So, you’re the sister.”

“Yes, sir. I’m Jenna.”

“I know who you are. We’ve looked into you.”

“Oh, okay.”

“It seems you’ve had a rough go of it.”

“Yeah, you could say that.”

“In my experience, people with your kind of past tend to either become fierce fighters who keep fighting to the bitter end or they become derelicts who will do anything to get what they want.” His voice was low and threatening as he added, “Which one are you?”

“I don’t know.” I glanced over at my daughter. “I guess, if I’m being honest, I would have to say both. I’m a fighter. It seems I’ve spent the better part of my life fighting, but when it comes to her, there’s nothing I wouldn’t do. But let me be clear... I am not my brother. He died long before Grim and his brothers killed him.”

“Come again.”

“Steven was a good guy, a really good guy, but the Assassins changed him.” I shook my head. “He quickly became a man I didn’t even recognize.”

“Men like that do have that effect.” He studied me for a moment, then said, “Glad your daughter’s doing better.”

“Thank you, and thanks for allowing Blade to help us.”

He gave me a nod, and without saying anything more, he turned and walked out of the room. I let out a breath of relief, then got up and walked over to Luna. She was still sleeping, but I could tell that her color was improving. I leaned closer as I whispered, “You had your momma worried, little girl. I’m so glad you’re doing better.”

“You two ready to go home?” Blade asked as he entered the room.

“Do you think she’s ready?”

“I don’t see why not.” He stepped over and glanced up at the almost empty IV bag as he said, “We’ll finish this up, and then, I think you two will be ready to go.”

Grim had slipped off an hour or so ago, and I hadn’t seen him since. I wasn’t sure if he was planning on coming back, so I said, “We rode with Grim.”

“I’ll get word to him and let him know that you’re ready.”