Can you come home?
I’m really worried. Something isn’t right.
I’m on my way.
I shoved my phone back in my pocket, then turned to Memphis and said, “Looks like you’re gonna meet the sister sooner than later.”
“What’s going on?”
“Won’t know until we get there.”
“Then, let’s get moving.”
I had a bad feeling, and that bad feeling only grew worse as we got in the truck and started towards the house. I had no doubt that Memphis had questions, but he kept quiet and left me in my own world of daunting thoughts. Luna had seemed fine the past couple of nights—not that I’d seen all that much of her.
Jenna had started working at Rosie’s, and I was either already in bed or gone when they got home. Jenna hadn’t mentioned anything, so I’d just assumed all was well. Clearly, I was wrong.
When we got to the house, I parked right at the front door and headed inside. As soon as we walked in, I heard Jenna call out, “We’re in the living room.”
Memphis followed me through the kitchen and into the living room, where we found Jenna sitting on the sofa with Luna’s head on her lap. Luna’s color was off, and she had rosy-red cheeks. Poor kid wouldn’t even look at me as I asked, “How’s she doing?”
“She’s getting worse.” Jenna was normally very composed and strong, but at that moment, she looked like she was on the edge of breaking. “She was complaining of her tummy hurting last night, but I thought it was just something she ate. Now, she doesn’t even want to move.”
I reached over and placed my hand on Luna’s forehead and knew right away we were in trouble. “Damn. She's burning up.”
“I know. What am I going to do?”
Luna rolled her head towards me, and my heart sank when she muttered, “I don’t feel good.”
“I know, kid, but we’re gonna get you taken care of.” I turned to Memphis as I said, “We gotta get her to the ER.”
“We can’t,” Jenna interrupted. “I don’t have insurance.”
We had two hospitals in the city. Regional was one of the best around, but they only accepted patients with insurance. Without it, you are forced to go to County—even if you have the money to pay. People died there left and right, and there was no way I was going to take that kind of chance with Luna.
I was trying to decide the best thing to do when Memphis stepped closer and suggested, “We could take her to the clubhouse and let Blade have a look at her?”
Concern marked Jenna’s face as she muttered, “Blade?”
“He’s the club’s doctor.”
“Do you think he can help her?”
“Only one way to find out.”
Jenna nodded, and her hands shook nervously as she wrapped the blanket tighter around Luna. I reached down and lifted her into my arms, immediately feeling the intense heat radiating off her body. She barely moved, and that shit freaked me out. I held her close and rushed her out to the truck. I messaged Blade to let him know we were coming, and then we were on our way.
Urgency hung in the air as I drove them over to the clubhouse.
When we pulled through the gate, I glanced up at the rearview mirror, and Jenna’s focus was totally on Luna. She had no idea that they were about to enter a whole new world—a world where the men inside didn’t exactly trust her. Not only that, the clubhouse was rather large and somewhat daunting, especially with the high fences and barbed wire.
But she didn’t even notice her surroundings when I opened the door and grabbed Luna from her hands. She and Memphis followed me up to the back door and straight inside. We started down the long, dark hall, and Jenna’s focus remained on her daughter as we made our way to the infirmary.
We’d barely stepped inside when Blade appeared and ordered, “Bring her over here.”
“She’s burning up.” I laid her down, and Luna’s eyes shifted over to Blade, watching him intently as he started taking her vitals. “She’s been complaining that her stomach hurts.”