Page 111 of Together We Reign

As Teigan finishes putting on the last of her make-up, she turns towards me, a bright smile on her face. She wraps her arms around my neck, which is so much easier to do, given how tall the heels make her. As she threads her fingers through the strands of my hair, I wrap my arms around her waist.

Teigan leans in and captures my lips with hers. It’s a short but searing kiss, and I don’t want her to pull away when she does. Just a little taste of my angel is never enough.

“Thank you,” she mutters against my lips.

I raise a brow at her. “What for?”

“I know you don’t want to do this. The only reason you’re going through with it is because I asked you to. It means a lot to me that you’re willing to help me save these girls,” she says, her voice dripping with emotion.

She’s right, I don’t really give a shit about the girls. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a completely heartless bastard, and I want to see them get set free—particularly the underage girls who should be having a childhood right now.

But, no matter how much I’d like to see them go free, there’s nothing in the world that would make me risk Teigan’s safety.She’s the most important person in my world, and I would watch the whole world burn around me, as long as she was safe in the end.

“I would do anything for you,” I say, before pressing my lips to hers.

Just as I’m about to deepen the kiss, my phone rings, and both of us groan at the interruption. I pull it from my pocket, grumbling when I see Kellan’s name.

“What?” I answer.

“Well, hello to you too, happy crack,” Kellan replies sarcastically, and I have to grip the phone tighter to stop me from throwing it across the room.

“Hey, Kellan,” Teigan sings, letting Kellan know the calls on speakerphone and she can hear.

“Hey, Tee, how are you? We’re all set up in the main base of operations van around the corner from the club. We will need you to come here first to get everything in order before going inside,” Kellan explains.

“We already know that,” I grunt.

“I know you do. I’m just reminding you,” Kellan snaps back.

“Thanks for letting us know, Kel. I’m assuming Evan knows what your van looks like?” Teigan asks, while glaring at me, mouthing that I need to be nice.

I roll my eyes, but put on a cheery voice just for her. “Oh, you will know which van it is. It’s hardly discreet.”

Teigan frowns. “Shouldn’t an undercover van be…I don’t know…inconspicuous?”

I chuckle as Kellan swears. “It is fucking inconspicuous. Ignore that asshole, Tee. You will see when you get here.”

I’m about to retort when Teigan holds up her hand to cut me off, a firm glare letting me know I’m not allowed to wind Kellan up any more. “We will see you soon, Kel,” she says to him.

I hang the phone up in the middle of him saying goodbye, and Teigan smacks her hand against my arm. “Can’t you at least try to be nice? Kellan’s lovely,” she chastises.

“He’s an annoying asshole, like all of my brothers. But I will try to be nice, just for you,” I say, as I press a kiss against her lips to stop whatever she was about to say next.

“We better get going,” she states, when I finally let her go.

“Okay, but I want you to remember that you’re in control of this. You can use your safe word at any point, and it will all stop.”

She reaches up and places both her hands over my cheeks, her sparking grey eyes latching onto mine.

“As long as you remember that this is all just for show. Forget about the people watching, and just make it about us. Concentrate on the things we like to do to give pleasure to each other. Nobody has to know it’s not an act, and that I’m enjoying everything you do to me. I promise that this will not change anything between us. I won’t see you differently after this.” Each word is said with such strength and conviction, it’s hard not to believe them.

We’ve spent the last three days rehearsing for the event. We have practised all the things, The Sheriff and the audience will expect to see, but we’ve found a way to make them what we enjoy. They want to see me degrading and humiliating Teigan, and they will, but they’ll have no idea she’s into it.

Our main aim is to finish the performance without giving away any pieces of our soul. As long as Tee sticks to the script, and doesn’t deviate beyond the limits I’ve set, we will be fine.

I just worry that when it comes to setting the other girls free, Teigan will be willing to sacrifice far more of herself than she should.

By the time we arrive at the ridiculous fucking undercover van, my nerves are almost shot. It doesn’t help that Teigan is so fucking relaxed about this whole thing.