Page 112 of Together We Reign

I asked her about it on the way over here, and she actually fucking laughed. She basically said that in her eyes, we have the easiest of all the jobs. Everyone else is running into danger, some into the complete unknown, with guns drawn, to face off against our enemies. While we get to avoid all that and fool around with each other.

There’s very minimal risk of either of us getting injured, and given her new found discovery, that she’s just as kinky as she always was—this is hardly a challenge for her.

My eyes nearly fell out of my fucking head at her confession. If people had laid both options out before me, there’s not a doubt in my mind I would have chosen the option where I’d get to shoot people.

Of course I want to fuck my girl, but the idea of doing it while a room full of sick perverts watch is not a turn on for me.

I mean, I do have my own kinky side, particularly when it comes to Teigan, and I would never say no to a bit of exhibitionism, under the right circumstances, but that is most certainly not what this is.

If we were messing about in a real sex club, where there are rules, and it’s more about people’s pleasure, then that’s different. I know the people who are watching there are all about enjoying themselves, and seeing how we play is simply an enhancement.

Whereas, with Club Crimson, it’s not that type of sex club. This place is about power, and putting the women and children for sale here on display. It’s about the sick, twisted assholes who have enough money to get inside, proving they are the ones in charge, and that for the right price, they can make anyone do anything.

When the time comes, I will enjoy burning this place to the fucking ground. Preferably with as many of the perverted members still inside as possible.

We park a couple of roads away from Kellan’s van, so as to not arouse further suspicion. As soon as Teigan sees Kellan’s undercover van, she bursts out laughing.

“This is the undercover van?!” She says it so loud, I have to look around to make sure nobody heard her.

“It will hardly stay undercover if you keep yelling like that,” I chastise, and she looks a little sheepish.

But I feel bad for snapping at her, as at some point over the last couple of years, we’ve all had the same reaction whenever Kellan has brought his baby out into the field.

Standing before us is a bright yellow and green ambulance. It looks exactly like a normal NHS ambulance with one small tinted window high up on the right side, the words Emergency Vehicle printed across the right side, where there are no windows, and double doors at the back that open outwards.

The words Emergency Ambulance are printed backwards above the windscreen, and the sirens sit above that. It used to be a working NHS ambulance, until Kellan revamped it.

Teigan stands there just staring at the ambulance in shock, her eyes widening further when Kellan opens the door and ushers us in.

The inside has been completely gutted, and resembles nothing of what it should look like. Instead, Kellan has a fullymobile security command centre set up, complete with several different sized computer screens and keyboards.

Kellan is seated on a wheely office chair, so that he can move the full length of the ambulance if he needs to. There are two extra chairs, for if anyone else chooses to join Kellan, and the wall behind his computers is full of guns and ammo, for us to stock up before the raids.

“Well, this is definitely not what I was expecting, Kel,” Teigan mutters, looking around, trying to take everything in.

“It’s great, isn’t it?” Kel replies, a bright smile on his face.

For once, my brother isn’t being sarcastic, and Tee looks confused about what to say next. She’s too nice for her own good.

“I mean, it’s not as subtle as I was expecting,” she replies timidly.

“That’s the beauty of it. Ambulances can go anywhere, and nobody will ever question their presence.”

“Aren’t you worried someone will knock on the door and ask for help?” she questions.

Kellan just shakes his head, like Teigan’s question is the most ridiculous part of this conversation.

“No. I don’t know of any scenario where people would knock on the door of an ambulance. I’ve been using this for the last few years, on certain jobs, and that’s never happened.”

Tee nods her head like she understands, but I can tell she’s still just as clueless as we all are. I decide to interject to get things back on track. “Kel, we’re on a bit of a time constraint here. Shall we move things along?”

Kel narrows his eyes at me, which is completely unfounded as I was far nicer to him than I usually am. I could have told him to shut the fuck up and get on with it, but I’m trying to be politer, for Tee.

Although he looks like he’s going to argue, he doesn’t. Instead, he mumbles about all sorts of random shit—that I tuneout easily—as he gets to work. We're the last of the family to get set up, and Kellan explains that when I have my earpiece sorted, he will do a test on us all.

“Why don’t I have an earpiece?” Teigan asks, looking a little put out.

Kellan looks over at me before flicking his eyes back to Tee with a grimace when he sees I’m going to be no help.