Page 110 of Together We Reign

Evan groans. “I swear, you’re going to be the death of me.”

I let out a chuckle, my heart feeling lighter than it has in a very long time. “At least you will die happy.”

“When I’m with you, I’m nothing but happy. If I’m going to die, it might as well be with my cock buried deep inside of you. It’s a hell of a way to go,” he jokes, and we both fall into easy laughter.

As he wraps his arms around me tight, I suddenly feel like I’m home.

Ever since the family meeting, mine and Teigan’s relationship has gone from strength to strength. After a few arguments, we finally sat down and agreed together how far we’d allow things to go during the performance, while the rest of the family sorted the plan to free everyone.

The key was for us both to be honest, which given how much trust we’ve been putting in each other recently, came a lot easier than I was expecting.

I told Teigan what I wasn’t prepared to allow, and we negotiated. She helped me to see that anything we do on that stage is just an extension of the stuff we do already.

There’s full consent involved, and she trusts me to give her nothing but pleasure, which is what makes me different to the assholes who touched her on that stage before.

I’m still not sure I fully believe that she won’t look at me differently afterwards, but I know she wants to go through with this, with or without my help, so I’ll just have to suck it up and hope everything doesn’t go to hell in a handbasket afterwards.

“Tell me the plan, Teigan,” I snap, as she finishes putting the last of her make-up on in front of the bathroom mirror.

She groans, moaning that we’ve already gone through this a million times, which is true. Honestly, I’m only getting her to repeat the plan so it will distract me from looking at how fucking gorgeous she is.

She’s dressed ready for the performance, in a tight red mini-dress that clings to each of her curves in the most delectable way. It took every bit of energy I had not to rip it off her when I saw her put it on.

I wasn’t as successful when she put on the ruby red lace bra and thong. She’d managed to wear them for less than a minute before I fucked her in them, and I have zero regrets.

Her long dark brown hair is curled in gentle waves, and she’s left it loose down her back. She’s wearing more make-up than normal, and the dark eyeliner circling around her eyes makes the grey colour pop.

Her plump pink lips have been painted with bright red gloss, and all I can think about is what that colour will look like staining my cock later as I push into her throat.

When she adds the ridiculously high black stiletto heels, I have to bite my lip to hold back a groan. It’s a fucking miracle I’ve not busted a load in my pants already, and I’m so thankful when Teigan starts repeating the plan back to me, so I can concentrate on that, instead of how much I want to lose myself in her right now. I hate how perfect she is, as she drives me crazy.

“When we get to Club Crimson, I’m not to talk to anyone, or leave your side. I can’t alert anyone to what else is going on, as it will put the plan at risk,” she repeats.

“No matter how much that cocksucker, The Sheriff tries to provoke you, do not speak to him. Okay?” I grind out.

Tee chuckles, and throws a sexy, knowing look at me in the mirror. “We both know that you’re the hot-headed one who doesn’t know how to control his temper.”

I can’t help but chuckle. I’m actually not normally short-tempered, it’s only when it comes to her. With Teigan, I’ve turned into an obsessive, possessive, jealous asshole, and I want to destroy anyone who even thinks of touching what’s mine.

“Fine, I will keep a lid on my anger, too. What else?” I prompt, getting her to go over the rest of the plan.

“We kill as much time as we can, dragging it out until we absolutely have to go on stage. The longer we give everyone to execute the plan, the better,” she repeats, and I nod.

“Exactly. What happens when we’re on stage?” I ask.

She rolls her eyes, as we’ve only just gone over this. “The main aim is to spend as much time with my clothes on as possible, or at the very least, my underwear. We play up for the crowd. Lean heavily into the punishment side of things, making sure you humiliate and degrade me the way they would—but with you, I know it’s not the same,” she adds quickly, so I don’t spiral back into the guilt I was feeling before.

“It’s not. What next?”

“If after we’ve done the punishment part, they’re still no closer to being through with the plan, then I can make it look like I might remove my underwear. I will do a sexy dance, but I’ll remain in my underwear at all times. At no point will I remove anything more than that,” she repeats, putting on a deep accent that I think is supposed to be me.

“Your body belongs to me. I’m the only person who gets to see all of it,” I growl possessively.

Tee rolls her eyes, but I catch the hint of a smile that she tries to hide. “Worst case scenario, I give you a blow job, and you rubmy panty-covered clit until I come. But that’s all. That’s as far as we go.”

“Absolutely. If my family can’t execute the plan within that time, that’s on them. I’ve made it very fucking clear to Bree we’re going further than either of us is really comfortable with, so they better act fast. They’ve all promised to do their best.” I try to keep my voice neutral as I gloss over the conversation I had with my sister-in-law yesterday.

In actuality, there was a whole lot more swearing and shouting, but the outcome remains the same. Bree knows she’s asking a lot of us, and she’s going to do everything she can to make sure we only have to do the minimum. I still worry we’re giving away parts of ourselves we’ll never be able to claim back.