Page 15 of Bedroom King


Keepingan eye on Isabella all night meant that I wasn’t too hung over, which worked out well because I’d completely forgotten I had football practice. I’d been hungover at practice before and it was a fucking nightmare. Hell, I once went to practice after an early-morning kegger. Coach about fried my ass for that one.

On my way back to the Omicron Alpha fraternity house, the coach texted our group chat. We would be meeting at the gym rather than the playing field to get in some cardio and strength training. If I drank as much as I’d wanted to the night before, I’d probably pass out doing squats or go into cardiac arrest on the treadmill.

Instead, I was relatively clear-minded and focused as I went through training. My body had never been in such great physical shape, finishing the 3-hurdle drill faster than any of my other teammates. To help build up our triceps and chest muscles, the coach had us use a medicine ball for push-ups. A few of the other guys slipped a few times, causing them to land face-first on the gym floor.

Not me, though. I bet they regretted their decisions the night prior.

Once we were done with the workout, our team finished with the 90/90 stretch. Not only did it help cool down our sore muscles, but it also helped with our squatting technique. And better squats resulted in better football players, and better asses too. And let me just say, modern women loved a good ass almost as much as men always have.

My clothes were drenched in sweat by the time we got back to the locker room, and I was in dire need of a shower. The whole place reeked of body odor, the kind of scent that made me want to double-up on my deodorant. It’s similar to how the Omicron Alpha fraternity house smelled sometimes, especially after a night of hard drinking and guys too hung over to bathe themselves.

I stood at my locker getting undressed. I pulled my shirt over my head and caught my own reflection in the mirror of the open door. I flexed my pecs and gave myself a sly wink. I worked hard for my body and I was proud of it.

“Hey man,” a familiar voice called out to me. “I’d ask how practice was, but you know what I really wanna hear about.”

I turned around to find Aiden standing behind me with his shirt thrown over his shoulder. He was drenched in sweat with his hair slicked back. “What are you so curious about?”

He punched me in the front of my shoulder playfully as he gnawed his teeth into his lip. “Did you sleep with Isabella?”

I groaned under my breath as I grabbed my towel from the locker. “Dude, do you remember anything from the party last night?”

He obnoxiously rearranged his groin as his chest filled up with pride. “I remember shooting a hot, sticky load down some broad’s throat. Oh, and you were gonna shag Isabella to maintain your Bedroom King status.”

Leave it to Aiden to get so shit-faced that he couldn’t remember anything besides a blow job.

“Didn’t you see me throwing a guy out the front door? Or at least hear about it?”

Aiden scratched his chin as he tried remembering. “Vaguely, I think that rings a bell.”

“And yet you still hit the gym hung over.” I shook my head with a laugh. “I don’t know how you do it, man.”

Aiden shrugged before opening up a locker and grabbing his towel. “Easy. Just pop aspirin before passing out in bed.” He tapped me on the shoulder. “I want to hear all about Isabella, though.”

“Yeah… about her.”

Aiden held his finger up as his cell phone went off. He was never the type to decline a call, always loved the attention. Hell, if I attempted to call him during his blowjob the night prior, he probably would have answered in the middle of it. “Tell me later.”

“I only…”

It was too late, though. Aiden was on the bench hunched over, clinging his cell phone to his ear as his mother screamed into the speaker.

I hit the showers with the rest of the football team. As the hot water rained over my body, I thought back to the night prior. I silently wished I hadn’t stayed in Isabella’s room all night. My intentions were mostly pure, but she would have been perfectly safe without me in the other bed. The sisters of Rho Alpha Xi looked after each other, and nobody was getting up those stairs without going through them first.

Still, the anger in her voice didn’t sit well with me. Isabella had every right to be leery of me, but my man-whore status aside, I knew the difference between right and wrong. My attempt at being her knight in shining armor completely backfired.

On my way back to the Omicron Alpha fraternity house, I decided to set the record straight with Isabella. Hopefully, enough time had passed to the point that she could think rationally, which should’ve been easier once the hangover had subsided.

I took a detour to the Rho Alpha Xi sorority house. It was mansion-like in size, painted white with light pink shutters and surrounded by vibrant, green bushes laced with pink flowers. A few sorority girls waved at me as I headed up the walkway. I had a game plan but didn’t know what I was going to say. I desperately tried to think of something, but settled on winging it. If I were her, I probably wouldn’t believe me either, but I was never one prone to giving up easily.

Also, I wanted to save my reputation.

My finger flirted with the doorbell when I overheard a woman crying. I took a few steps back and looked to my left, down a cobblestone walkway that led to a gazebo. Sitting on the bench inside of it, wearing grey sweatpants and an Exley sweatshirt, was Isabella. A river of tears streamed down her cheeks as she stared at her cell phone.

Despite not being on speakerphone, the guy on the other end was screaming so loudly that I could hear every word he said as I crept around the corner. I made sure to move as silently as possible until I found myself cushioned up against a bushy tree.

“Do you have any fucking idea how worried your mother and I have been?”