Page 14 of Bedroom King

Another sorority sister came down the stairs wearing a sports bra and leggings. She shuffled into the kitchen and threw my cell phone on the table. “Isabella, you keep getting text messages and phone calls.”

I looked up at the time and gasped. “Oh fuck, it’s past noon. Jason’s probably freaking out by now.”

I opened my cell phone to find that my suspicions were correct.

Jason and my parents had been trying to contact me since nine o’clock in the morning. I had seventeen missed phone calls, eleven voicemails, and thirty-nine text messages between all three of them. Not only did they like to travel in packs and plan my future in a pack, they also liked to irritate me over the phone as a cohesive unit of shitbags.

I chugged the rest of my coffee before scrolling through the text messages, which were as bad as I suspected them to be.

JASON:Isabella, I’ve already told your parents that I can’t get hold of you. What the hell is going on?

MOTHER:Isabella, your father and I are worried. Call us as soon as you get these messages!

FATHER:So help me, God, Isabella, if you don’t call me back, we’re coming to Exley right away!

JASON’S MOTHER:Darling, Jason is very worried about you. Please call him as soon as you can so we know that you are safe.

Not wantingto deal with them until I was sober, I slid out of my chair and headed upstairs. All I needed was a nice, long hot shower, and then I’d figure out what to do. Obviously, I wouldn’t tell my parents or Jason about drinking at the party. No, I’d say that as usual, I merely kept an eye on everyone. White lies never hurt anyone.

As I was about to turn on the shower, my phone lit up and rattled against the bathroom counter. I glanced over to see that it was Jason calling. I sent it straight to voicemail and hopped in the shower.

By the time I was done cleaning myself, I realized that I’d have to lie about not answering my cell phone that morning either. That was an easy lie, though. I’d simply say that I’d been up all night studying, which they might not believe at first but would eventually. I had become a master of deception when it came to telling little white lies. The more detail I gave, the more willing they were to believe me.

After drying myself off and getting dressed, I sat down on my bed and got ready to call Jason. Only to see that he’d sent me yet another text message.

JASON:I’m heading to Exley right now!