Page 16 of Bedroom King

Isabella’s lip quivered as she struggled to respond. “I’m sorry, Dad. It won’t happen again.”

I lingered behind the bushes as Isabella wiped away her tears.

“Before we even got to church this morning, Jason was texting us worried out of his damn mind. He was halfway to Fort Wayne by the time you called him.”

“Yes, for the tenth time, I know that. I was at a party and slept late.”

Isabella hunched over, shaking her head back and forth as her father continued to berate her.

“I’m not paying money out the asshole just for you to get drunk at sorority parties. I told your damn mother that joining a sorority was a giant mistake, but you just had to follow in her footsteps, didn’t you?”

A woman’s voice joined the chorus of screaming in the background. “Don’t you dare blame this one on me. Unlike your daughter, I’m not a fucking whore.”

Isabella’s body tensed up at the sound of what I assumed was her mother’s voice. She gripped the cell phone with her left hand so hard that it was shaking. “Mother, I am not a whore.”

I cocked my head over my shoulder to find two girls come to a stop on the sidewalk, no doubt shoving their noses somewhere they didn’t belong Not that I could judge them too harshly though, considering I was spying on Isabella from the safety of a bush.

“Look, call Jason and reassure him that nothing happened. He’s flipping out right now because he thinks you cheated on him.”

Isabella’s tears dried quickly up as she hung up on her father without so much as a goodbye. Within seconds she had Jason on the other line. Like her father, Jason was screaming too.

“What’s his name, Isabella?”

“Jason, for the last fucking time, I didn’t sleep with anyone last night.”

“Then how come Blade Eggleston was seen leaving the Rho Alpha Xi sorority house minutes before you called me today?”

The color drained from Isabella’s face as she froze, realizing that even though nothing had happened between us, she’d been caught. This was most definitely my fucking fault. “How the hell did you know about that, Jason?”

“What difference does that make? Explain yourself.”

She stared straight ahead as her face went from beet red to pale white. Students walking on the grass behind her kept looking up, eager to pick up bits and pieces of Isabella’s conversation with Jason.

She stared straight ahead as she spoke into the cell phone. “Do you have people spying on me?”

He was taking his sweet time responding to her question. I knew men like Jason. They needed to take great care in choosing their words, elsewise they’d say something they regretted. “I have never questioned your faithfulness to me until today. The Bedroom King? Jesus, Isabella. Even the students at my school know about him.”

“Who the hell do you have spying on me?”

“Why? Are you afraid that you fucked him, too?”

“Do not talk to me like that Jason.” She climbed to her feet and clutched the phone tighter against her ear. “And answer my damn question.”

Jason practically hissed into the phone, “Maybe you really are a whore, just like your mother said.”

The only other time I’d seen a face so lifeless was back in my sophomore year. After getting all worked up with a chick before realizing I didn’t have any condoms, she and I agreed that I’d pull out, which I did. So, imagine my surprise when she called me a few weeks later saying she was late. Both of us watched the pregnancy test with bated breath, finally exhaling when it read, Not Pregnant.

Waiting for the results of that test is the most lifeless I’d seen another woman’s face.

Until now.

Isabella turned icy cold. Her hand stopped shaking. Her face dried almost in an instant, the tears were gone. She stared straight ahead as she delivered her final goodbye, “We’re over, Jason.”