Marlene places her pool stick on the table and wraps both hands around my waist. She’s so tiny, not like Savannah. “Come on.”

I scour Savannah’s face for any sign not to take this invitation. But she smiles and entwines her arm through her sister’s. “I’ll spend the night at your place so Liam can have alone time with Marlene.” She spits the word ‘Marlene’ as if it has a foul taste.

I don’t even blink. We both know I want to put her over my shoulder and carry her out of here to my bed again. Instead she’s going to play like the idea of me with someone else doesn’t even register on her scale of things to be annoyed about. Anyone who knows the woman knows that she can find a way to be annoyed about anything.

“Thanks. I appreciate it.” I dislodge Marlene from me but take her hand. “Better luck next time,” I whisper in Savannah’s ear before I walk out of Lucky’s with Marlene at my side.

“Finally. Is she, like, an ex or something? Because she totally wanted you. I mean, have some respect, I saw you first.” Marlene gets me against the brick wall, her hand already over the bulge in my pants.

But that bulge isn’t because of or for her.

I put my hand over hers to stop her. I’m not going to lead this girl on, no matter what I’ll let Savannah believe. “No. She saw me first.”

Truth is, I saw her first—so many years ago.

Lucky’s Tavern’s door opens, and Savannah stumbles out between Juno and Colton. Juno barely has a handle on her sister. Colton’s doing all the heavy lifting. Savannah glances over and catches us, her eyes falling to where my hand is over Marlene’s—which is over my junk. Fuck.

“I’m gonna be sick.” She bends over the tree at the edge of the sidewalk and throws up.

Colton’s eyes shut and his head falls back.

Denver comes out right after. “Party foul, Sav!” He laughs, just as drunk as his sister, but I’m not worried about Denver. He can handle himself. He smirks at me, thinking I’m about to get busy with Marlene. “Don’t mind us.”

“You okay, Sav?” Juno asks.

Lucky’s door opens, and Nate comes out with a bottle of water for her because she’s probably the entertainment for the rest of Lucky’s Tavern’s patrons right now. Pictures are probably being snapped and she’ll likely be on Buzz Wheel before the night ends.

“Denver, get Marlene an Uber.” I give Marlene a smile that I hope communicates regret and push away from the wall.

I swoop Savannah up in my arms. Her head falls over my bent elbow while her arms hang loosely at her sides.

“She can come to my place. No need to upend your night.” Juno follows me to my car.

Since we won all the games, I only had one beer tonight, so I’m fine to drive. “No, I got her. Just make sure Denver doesn’t come back to my house with those two.” I nod behind me.

Colton opens the passenger door, and I lay Savannah in the front seat. She mumbles something as I strap her seatbelt into place.

“Just don’t throw up again,” I say.

“Thanks, Nate.” Juno holds the water bottle out for me.

I take it before rounding my car and sliding in. One last glance at Savannah in my passenger seat, and I turn the key in the ignition and get her away from this situation which could damage her reputation. After all, it’s what she lives for in Lake Starlight.