

“You sure you want another game?” I ask Savannah. She’s plastered from the shots she’s taken.

“Yep, because my dad might’ve taught you, but he taught me too.” She loses her balance and her finger jabs me in the shoulder instead of the chest.

A small part of me likes her like this. Not the drunk and incoherent part, but the part where she’s not worried about Bailey Timber or one of her eight siblings or Grandma Dori or any of the million things that seem to be running through her brain at any given moment. She’s in the moment and just wants to beat me and yeah, I do love when I’m the center of her attention.

Darlene or Marlene or maybe it’s Carly, sidles up next to me every time Savannah gets too close. I’d like to ditch her, but I’m an asshole who’s trying to get Savannah jealous. Make her believe she’s missing out.

“Come on. Let’s go back to your place.” The girl’s fingers dig into the waistband of my jeans in the back.

“Oh, you want to go to Liam’s?” Savannah says, and I grab her arm to keep her steady before her shot ends up on the felt of the pool table.

Darlene or Marlene—hell, let’s go with Bar Chick at this point—shoots me a questioning look. “What is it with the two of you?”

Savannah waggles her eyebrows at me, turns around, and downs the shot, holding onto the table as if it’s a railing above a cliff, keeping her from falling into the crashing waves below.

“She’s my buddy’s sister.”

Savannah whips back around, another strand of blonde hair falling loose from her ponytail. “Is that all?”

The conversation between Juno, Colton, Denver, and his hookup halts, and an awkward silence paints the room.

“Isn’t it?” I ask Savannah, baiting her to answer the question herself.

“Yes.” She smiles sweetly at Bar Chick. “He’s all yours.”

Bar Chick comes closer and my body stiffens, heat brewing in my veins.

“So another game?” Sav sets her empty shot glass on the table and slides her hands down the pool stick.

Bar Chick tried to turn me on with that move two games ago. Savannah’s getting the reaction out of my dick that Bar Chick wanted. Apparently dating another chick isn’t the way to work Savannah out of my system. Maybe Rhys’s Plan B is the way to go, but I definitely won’t be sleeping with her tonight. Not in her condition.

“I’m tired,” Denver whines, his hand venturing up the woman’s thigh.

“Yeah, we’re out,” Juno says, standing.

Colton pulls out his wallet and heads over to the bar to pay Nate for their drinks. Remind me again why those two aren’t a couple.

“What? I’m finally out and ready for some fun.” Savannah does a little twirl before hanging on to the table and clutching her stomach. “Whoa…”

“Come on, Sav, I’ll get you home.” Juno comes to her side. Her gaze lands on me and there’s accusation there.

What the hell? I was over here minding my own business before they joined us.

“This isn’t my fault,” I say.

Juno nods and inhales a deep breath.

“Liam can see me home,” Savannah says, her gaze skirting over my body.

Huh, alcohol really does make you truthful. I’ve said a helluva lot of lies while I’ve been drunk, but from the smoldering look Savannah’s shooting me, I have to believe it’s a truth serum for her.

“Sav, he has Marlene to see home,” Juno whispers but not so quietly that I can’t hear.

Savannah’s head turns to who I now know is Marlene. Thank you, Juno. “Oh.”