My head pounds as I roll over, finding myself wrapped in navy sheets. I glance over, expecting to see my alarm clock, but there’s no clock. Just a drawing of an intricate Celtic image.
Liam’s masculine smell surrounds me, and I search the room for him but come up empty. It doesn’t even look as though he slept in the bed with me last night.
I sit up and hold my head. “What happened last night?”
I try to answer for myself, but I can’t recall anything after the second game of pool.
Shifting my legs over the side of the bed, I stand, and the cool breeze from the fan spurs me to see what I’m wearing. I’m in my bra and panties—not even my good ones. Just a plain cotton bra with a pink bow in between, like it’s a trainer and I’m eleven. My panties cover my entire lower abdomen. Fantastic. I grab the sheet to cover myself.
The door downstairs opens and closes, alerting me that I need to get my ass moving. With Liam’s sheet wrapped around me, I tiptoe down the hall to my room in what feels a lot like the walk of shame—just without the prior benefits.
Once I throw on a pair of shorts and a T-shirt, I return his sheet to his room, still finding it vacant. After making the bed, I search the entire house for him. He’s nowhere to be found. Then my eye catches the green barn outside, the door slightly ajar.
He’s always so secretive about what he does in there.
I walk out of the house, trying to ignore my pounding head, and up the brick path, but as I’m about to open the barn door, Liam steps out and shuts the door. Sometimes I think he’s got superpowers. Either that, or a video monitoring system.
“Morning,” he says. “Did you get the aspirin and water on the kitchen counter?”
I shake my head. “What happened?” My voice sounds rougher than normal.
He heads down the path toward the house, so I follow. He’s still wearing the jeans and T-shirt he had on last night, except they’re more wrinkled now.
“You got drunk.”
“And how did I end up in your bed?” I ask with no shortage of attitude.
He stops at the door to the kitchen and turns around, almost making me run right into him. “You put yourself there.”
“I did?” My eyes dip down to look at the perfectly lined bricks that Liam most likely laid himself. “I don’t remember that.”
“Probably because if you were sober, the last place you would’ve put yourself is in my bed.” He stuffs his hands into his pockets.
I want to ask if he joined me. How I ended up half naked. But it’s too embarrassing. I’d rather fly blind than get the answers from him.
“Thank you. I apologize if I inconvenienced you last night.” I slide by him, having to step on the grass to dodge the chance of my body touching his.
He grabs my arm lightly, stopping me. I shift my weight, trying to slide out of his grasp, but he won’t let go, so I stop, staring into his blue eyes.
“I slept on the couch.” He moves a few inches closer. “You stripped yourself down.” Closer still. “And you never inconvenience me.”
“But you were with that girl. What happened?”
He winces, but his smirk is on full display shortly after. “We just used the couch instead.”
My body goes cold and all my muscles seize. “Oh.”
“Jesus, do you really think I’d do that?” He releases my arm and walks back to the barn.
“It isn’t that out of the realm of possibility,” I holler at his retreating back.
He stops, his head hanging low. I watch his back rise and fall as it often does when he’s exasperated with me. “I didn’t want her. The woman I want in my bed was already in it.” He doesn’t turn around to face me.
“Liam?” What’s he going to do? Give some declaration as to why we should sleep together? “You should have gone home with her.”