Page 12 of Meet Cute

“He’s so nice! But quiet and he’s usually alone. So it’s always a little strange when we see him talking to someone. Especially someone brand new to town.”

“Oh, I had met him when I went to his store to buy these boots and coat. That’s probably why he came up to make sure that I was alright.”

“Hmm,” both Iris and Sutton say at the same time and I wonder what that’s about.

Before I can ask, Iris’s phone goes off and she excuses herself.

“What do you do?” I ask Sutton as I finish off my muffin and draining the last of my latte.

“I help my great uncle run the Mystery Spot down in Destiny Falls,” she says, pride clear in her voice.

“I saw pictures of that place! Right across from the water, right?” I ask, pointing south.

“Yeah,” Sutton says with a proud smile.

“It looks cool! I wanted to check it out.”

“Let me know when you come by and I’ll give you the grand tour,” she says as Iris joins us back at the table.

“That was Arlo. I’ve got to get back to Destiny Falls, but it was so nice to see you again, Hartley. Give me a call and we can hang out soon,” she says with a bright smile.

“Thanks! It was so nice to meet you Sutton. And thank you for breakfast,” I say as we all stand and clear away our trash.

“Let me give you a ride to the mechanics,” Iris says and Sutton nods.

“I don’t want to put you out,” I protest but Iris shakes her head.

“It’s no bother. I’m actually headed in that direction too so it’s not a problem,” she says as she leads me over to her car.

The ride is short but much appreciated. Iris and Sutton point out a few of the sights and businesses as we drive past them, and I grab Sutton’s number too before I get out of the car.

“See you later, Hartley!” she calls as I close the door and wave.

Honey Peak is starting to look like a pretty cool place to live.



The phone call comes around closing time. I’m locking up and about to head out the back door when my cell phone goes off and I let out a groan. I know without looking that it’s my mom calling.

At least I got a few days of peace before the gossip reached her.

“Hey, Mom,” I say as I press the phone between my ear and shoulder and finish locking up the shop.

“Hey, honey! Are you busy?” she asks, her voice cheerful and I’m instantly transported back to my childhood.

“No, I’m just locking up and about to head home,” I tell her as I pocket the shop keys and make my way over to my truck.

“Headed home? Or maybe home to someone?” she asks, and I have to laugh at her lack of subtlety.

“I see that you’ve heard the rumors then,” I reply as I climb into my truck and start it up.

I crank the ignition, blasting the heat to try to warm the cab up.

“Trish called me this morning. I don’t like that I had to hear about this special someone in my own son’s life from my friend, but your father and I are thrilled that you’ve found someone!”

I can hear my dad grumbling in the background and I grin. I’m sure that he’s trying to rein her in. Silly to even try. Everyone knows that there is no reining in Susan Grove when she’s got an idea in her head.