Page 13 of Meet Cute

“It’s not what you think, Ma,” I try to object.

“I heard that you were getting frisky and that you had the girl half undressed in the middle of the Trading Shop,” she replies primly.

I cover my mouth, trying to hide my long sigh.

“Yes, she was topless for a second, but––”

“I hope that you’re treating her to more than a romp in your store,” my mom reprimands me and I contemplate banging my head on the steering wheel. “Anyway, dear, your father and I wanted to hear more about your new girl. Will we get to meet her when we’re in town next week?”

“No, she’s not my girlfriend, Mom.”

“You kids are so weird nowadays. No labels and all of that. I know that you don’t ask people to go steady like they did back in my day, but if you like the girl, you need to make sure that she knows that and that you’re serious about her.”

I buckle up and pull out of my spot behind the shop. It’s not snowing, so I have to wait a few minutes for traffic to pass before I pull out onto Main Street.

“How long have you two been together? What’s her name? Have you told her that you love her yet?”

I listen to my mom rattle off questions as I drive downtown. I promised Patrick that I would pick up some Gatorade for Brennan. The poor kid is home sick with the flu and I know that Patrick is worried about leaving him and he doesn’t want to make the kid go out when he’s throwing up.

“Her name is Hartley. She’s new to town, here to open up a bakery or something, but I’m sure that you already knew all of that.”

“I did, but what I really want to know is how you feel about her. Are you two serious? Trish didn’t know.”

“No, Mom. I’m still single. Hartley was a customer who got caught in a jacket and I was trying to help her pull it off. I accidentally took off her shirt too and that was it.”

“Oh, honey. I’m so sorry to hear that, but don’t you worry! I’ll be back in Honey Peak soon and I’ll help you find someone. I heard that Mrs. Jeck’s granddaughter is back in town. She was always a sweetheart and I’m sure you two would be adorable together.”

I let my mom rattle on as I park in a spot in front of the grocery store. I let her chatter on as dread starts to fill me.

I remember how bad it got when my parents still lived in Honey Peak. I couldn’t go anywhere with them without her trying to introduce me to someone’s daughter or granddaughter or friend of a friend. It got so bad that I had to check with my dad before I went over to their house for dinner to find out if I was about to be ambushed.

I don’t think that I can do that again.

I know that I can’t do that again.

Before I can think it through, the words are leaving my lips.

“I’m seeing Hartley, Mom. It’s just new and I didn’t want to get your hopes up. We’re not really telling people in town yet either, so please don’t say anything. We don’t want to jinx anything.”

“I knew it!” my mom yells and I jerk the phone away from my ear as she continues to yell to my father about my new girlfriend.

I lock the truck and head up to the store, ignoring the looks I get from the tourists that I pass. I should be used to people gawking at me because of my height, but it still stings. It feels like needles poking into the back of my neck as they stare at me.

I grab a basket and hurry down the aisle, grabbing some Gatorade and a box of saltine crackers before I head to the checkout. The store is close to closing, so it’s nearly empty and I checkout in record time and hope back in my truck.

My mom is still talking to my dad, making plans to meet my new girlfriend while they’re in town next week and that’s when it hits me.

I’ve made a terrible mistake.

“Is Hartley coming to the wedding with us?” my mom asks and I panic to find a way to explain why they can’t meet Hartley.

“Um, no, I didn’t request a plus one.”

“Oh, don’t worry about that! I’ll call your aunt Jenny right now. I think she said that your cousin Robby and his girlfriend broke up, so there’s an open seat.”

I can hear my mom making plans with my dad in the background and my heart starts to race as I realize just how screwed I am.

“Your father wants us all to go out to dinner too. Before the wedding. Oh, but if you two are keeping your relationship a secret, maybe we should just make dinner and have her over? How about that chicken cacciatore recipe that you love? Oh! Maybe Hartley can teach us all a new recipe since she’s such a good chef?”