Page 11 of Meet Cute

I hustle down the sidewalk, bracing against the wind.

I make it about three blocks before I feel like a popsicle.

The mechanic’s shop isn’t far, so I thought that I would be fine walking, but I should have checked the weather this morning. If I had known that it was going to feel like Antarctica out here, then I would have called for an Uber. I would be shocked if it was above ten degrees out right now.

I pull my hat down lower, picking up my pace. The smell of coffee has me perking up and I spot a sign up ahead for a place called Cool Bean’s. My stomach rumbles and I hurry toward the door, desperate to get inside and warm up with a cup of coffee or maybe a latte.

I reach it at the same time as a pretty redhead and it takes me a second to realize that I know her.


She turns to me with big eyes and grins.

“Hartley? What are you doing here?” She asks, wrapping her arms around me.

I smile as I hug her back.

“I live here now. I just moved here,” I tell her.

Iris is with another woman who is so bundled up that I can only see her eyes.

“Sorry, this is Sutton,” Iris says, introducing me to her friend.

“Nice to meet you,” I say as we head inside the coffee shop.

“You too,” Sutton says with a friendly smile.

“How are you liking Michigan so far?”

“So far, it’s okay. I’m starting to meet people and it’s easy to remember name since it’s such a small town.”

“Ah, one of the perks of small-town life, huh?” Iris says with a brilliant smile.

“Let us buy you a coffee and a muffin or something. A little welcome to town gift,” Suttons says with a warm smile and I can’t argue with that.

We stand in line and I scan the menu, deciding on a mocha latte and a blueberry streusel muffin. I place my order and Maggie hands over some cash before we turn to find a table to sit down at.

“How are you liking Michigan so far?” Sutton asks.

“I like it. I’m not crazy about how cold it is right now, but that might just be my southern blood. I’ll have to give it a few winters and see if it gets better.”

“Having a car definitely helps with that,” Sutton jokes, taking a sip of her coffee.

“I know. I’m headed to the mechanics right now to hopefully pick mine up, actually.”

“Yeah, I heard that Elijah had to give you a ride home,” Iris says and I notice both of them watching me closely. “I didn’t realize that he meant you as Hartley.”

They’re watching me expectantly, like they’re waiting for something but I don’t know what that could be.

“Yeah, I’m lucky that he was getting groceries too,” I say carefully.

I knew that gossip in small towns was supposed to be bad, but giving someone a ride home when their car doesn’t start seems like some pretty weak gossip.

“Elijah doesn’t really talk to many people,” Iris says.

“Yeah, well, besides Patrick and Brennan,” Sutton interjects.

“Right, so it’s weird that he even approached you. Not that he isn’t a nice guy!” Iris hurries to say.