Page 136 of Captured

The shot came from behind us. I looked over my shoulder to find Hunter, swinging his massive fist. The blur of movement was terrifying as bloody chaos filled the library all around me. Still there were more of Coulter’s men as they pushed through the door.

Grunts and gunfire came from behind us. Sickening crunch of shattering bones were followed by guttural screams. The kind that stayed with you for a lifetime.

There were too many of them. Too many to survive. The shine of a gun came, drawing my gaze upwards as one of Coulter’s men took aim. That savage gleam in his eyes fixed on me.

Get her to the table.

Those words resounded. Flickers of memories assaulted me and in the terror came his face. It was him…one of them from The Order. He smiled as he took aim, passing one of the Sons I’d met outside earlier that night when they’d dragged me in here. Only, as Coulter's soldier passed, the Son lifted his foot…and tripped him.


The shot hit the floor.


Another came, only this time it was from us. Kane strode forward, a gun in his hand. “I remember you.” The doctor said, crack! He fired his gun once more. “But she won’t…not anymore.”

Kane slowly turned around, those clear green eyes dark with rage before another of the soldiers rushed him. The attack was sickening. I unleashed a scream, watching as Hunter charged them, tearing the bastard back who’d driven his fist into Kane’s face, and unleashed one of his own.

I didn’t wait for them to attack again. This time I dropped to my knees, searched the dead soldier for his gun, and found it trapped under his thigh.


The weapon went off as I yanked it from his limp grasp, the bullet embedded in his leg before I had it in my hand.

“Get the fuck off him!” I yelled as I lifted the gun and fired.


I hit one and watched him fall before Carven and Colt rushed each side of me and leaped, slamming into two more soldiers.

They were the most chilling killing machines I’d ever seen. Knifes, fists. Colt was an animal, driving his fists into one soldier’s face before he charged another. But Carven…Carven was cold precision. He carved a dagger sideways, slicing the throat of one of them before he spun around, grabbed the head of another, and twisted so fast all I heard was a snap.

I stumbled backwards as Hunter, Kane, and Thomas joined in taking out soldier after soldier. But the soldiers weren’t the only danger. I lifted my gaze to where Coulter’s Sons stood watching the attack, only they weren’t there…

What the hell?

I spun around, searching the room. But they weren’t there. My pulse raced as I turned back, finding Carven rising from the floor and another body. Vivienne cried out. I stumbled backwards and turned, racing for her.

“Helene,” she cried out, doubled over.

“The Doc is on his way.” London looked fucking terrified. “We have to get you out of here.”

I wrapped my arms around her, holding on. “Are you okay?” I pulled away as tears filled my eyes.

“She has to leave.” London raked bloodied fingers through his hair and looked for the Sons.

I nodded, pushing her toward him. “Go…we’ll be okay. Just go.”


I spun at the sound of my name to find Riven limping as he headed for me. Behind him the room was still…and filled with the dead. A sob ripped free from me as I stumbled forward. But Riven was tearing his bloodied shirt free, yanking it down his arms as he came to me.

“Here,” he croaked, wrapping the shirt around me.

“Give me the gun, precious,” Hunter murmured, holding out his hand.

But I looked down at my hand cramped around the weapon. “I…I don’t think I can.”