Page 137 of Captured

He slowly stepped forward, capturing my hand in his. “Let me help.” He was so gentle, unfurling my fingers to take the gun.

“We’re getting you out of here.” Riven moved to my other side, tugged the shirt closed, and buttoned what he could.

Vivienne unleashed a low moan.

“Right.” London bent and picked her up as he turned. “We’re taking you out of here now.”

He didn’t even call for the Sons, but they were there, moving soundlessly around us until suddenly Carven stopped, then turned and fixed that icy stare on me. “The Sons…the other ones who were here. Where are they?”

I shook my head, looked over my shoulder to the last place I’d seen them, and opened my mouth to speak. Only when I did, the memory of that cold-blooded male lifting his foot to trip the bastard who’d hurt me reared in my mind. He’d known. Don’t ask me how I knew that, but in the cold recesses of my mind there was no doubt whatsoever. The Son knew he’d hurt me and he’d made sure he didn’t hurt me again.

“I don’t know.” I said and met Carven’s stare.

There was a scowl before Vivienne moaned. “Carven, leave it…please.”

He looked at her, then slowly nodded. I doubt there was anyone else alive who could command that killer like my sister. Not even London or his twin had that much sway. But Vivienne did. He turned around as London made for the gaping double door and disappeared.

“We need to go, as well,” Riven said.

I flinched as he lifted his hand. He stilled and pain flickered in those dark eyes before he moved more slowly this time, to brush my cheek.

“Let’s get you to the Doc, then we’ll make a plan, okay? After you see your sisters.”

My sisters? Ryth’s face filled my mind and a sickening wave of dread followed. “Ryth. Oh, fuck.”

I stumbled forward, clutching Riven’s shirt closed around me, and hurried after them. But my knees trembled, causing me to buckle.

I was grabbed in an instant. “Easy, Trouble.” Riven growled in my ear before he bent and lifted me into his arms.

“No…I—” I started, wriggling in his arms.

He jerked his gaze to mine, those dark eyes full of sorrow. “You fought hard enough. Let us take care of you now.”

I searched for that aching need in his eyes before I glanced at the others. It was the same need in all of them. The same sadness, as well. A shiver of vulnerability cut through me. I didn’t want to be weak, not like I had been. Never again. Never. Again.

But as I looked at them, that desperate need for walls around me eased. I didn’t need to be like that. Not with them, or my sisters. I could still be strong. I could still protect those I loved. I just needed to allow them to protect me, as well.

They’d risked their lives to protect me and here they were, asking me to risk something to be with them. How could I push them away now?

I gave a slow nod, allowing Riven to lift me higher, curling his arms to press me against his chest.

“No one else will hurt you now.” His voice echoed in my ear. “Not while we’re alive.”

The others followed as we headed out of that godforsaken library, leaving the dead behind. Still, I couldn’t fight the need to scan every dark corner as we walked out of that house and into the night.

Coulter’s Sons were still out there somewhere. Were they watching me like they had before? I didn’t know why they hadn’t attacked when Coulter’s men rushed the library. They’d watched me instead, with that same intensity I’d felt earlier that night.

There was something electric between us and not in a desire kind of way, but more like it was the kind of connection I had with my sisters. A familial connection. One I shouldn’t have had with someone like them.

“When we’re finished with the doctor, promise me something.”


“I want us to find the Sons, all of them.” I lifted my gaze and watched a flicker of confusion and worry rise before he gave a nod.

“Whatever you want, Trouble.”

I waited for the questions to start, the ones that I knew raged inside his head. But he kept his lips pursed, not saying a damn thing and instead, carried me away from that place and toward a black four-wheel drive.