Page 135 of Captured

A shiver of fear moved through me as I watched her. She was annihilating and terrifying all at once.

I’d never seen anything so goddamn beautiful in my entire life.

My pulse boomed, the sound deafening in my ears. I’d fallen for the woman…and I’d fallen hard.

One of the soldiers near her lunged and drove his fist into the side of her head with a thud. She staggered sideways as I dropped my shoulder and, with a roar, rushed that motherfucker, slamming into him. The stench of blood. The blistering burn of my own howling rage was too much and it spewed out of me as I drove the muzzle of my gun under the bastard’s ribs and pulled the trigger.


The muffled sound was instant. His eyes flew wide before he looked at me. There was a flicker of confusion, then a softness of surrender. One he never came back from.


He crumpled to the floor as I turned, lifting my gun. My breaths were heaving as she turned her head to meet my gaze. That merciless rage in her eyes shone, then dulled as they widened. “Riven?”

“It’s me, Trouble.” I took a step toward her. “It’s me.”

Her knees trembled as she lurched forward, dropping the bloody book from her hand. It hit the floor with a thud. Then she was in my arms, wrapping her own around me.

She might be fury.

But even fury needed someone to watch her back. The heavy thud of footsteps came all around me. Movement came at my back, drawing my focus. Hunter was there, filling the doorway. Kane and Thomas were at his back as London pushed in, driving into the room behind us.

Only they weren’t the only ones. Soldiers poured through the single door where the two Sons stood watching, only they didn’t stop, pushing into the room all around me.

Screams of rage followed.




Gunfire was unleashed and bullets whipped past, narrowly missing. I spun, pushing her behind me. “Hold on, Trouble. Whatever happens…hold onto me.”



Hold on, Trouble.

Hold onto me.

I reached out with cramped, aching fingers, brushing his back as he strode forward, then lunged at the stream of soldiers coming for us. Protect. Protect. Protect. That need howled inside me as I hurled myself toward one of them as he swung his fist at Riven’s head.

“No!” My scream was inhuman, searing the back of my throat.

I slammed into Coulter’s soldier, driving him away from the man I loved. Riven jerked a savage glare my way. His lips curled as he lifted his gun, took aim at the soldier and fired, shooting him in the chest.


The asshole stumbled backwards, then looked down to the spreading bloody mess over his chest before he fell. But Riven didn’t have time to aim once more before he was slammed by two of them, then lifted into the air.

No. The scream sounded in my head.

