Ivetha woke up curledagainst Arata, and his hand was rubbing her back. She was pressedinto his chest, and the scent in the air was all them. He could dowith his voice what other men used their hands for. At some pointin the night, he realized that he could hum along her skin withviolent effect. Every part of her ached.
He kissed thetop of her head. “Morning, Ivetha.”
She felt theheat in her cheeks. “Morning, Arata.” She paused. “Wait. You didn’tsay that against me, and the furniture didn’t explode.”
He chuckled.“At one point when you were singing into the bed beneath you, Ispoke and nothing happened. I restrained myself, and nothinghappened.”
“Is that whenyou flattened me to the bed and covered me with kisses?”
“And growled upand down my spine until I wasn’t able to speak myself?”
He chuckledsoftly. “Yes. Though it was more of a hum.”
“Whatever. Myknees melted into the mattress.”
He gave her asqueeze and ran his hands up and down her back. “Ivetha?”
“I am hungry. Iwas wondering if I could take a little blood from you.”
“Just a fewounces?”
He swept herhair away from her neck and pulled her up to his mouth. The bitewas quick, and he paused for a moment and then began to suck. Shegasped as the suction was felt in her clit, and she looped a legover him and started rocking against his upper thigh.
She shiveredagainst him, and he finished the bite, licked at it, and thenlifted her. Before she was ready, he bit the opposite side of herneck. Heat coursed from that bite as it had the first. A burn ranover her collarbone and hit the other bite. Arata held her headback, and she went limp as she was wrapped in a burning haze thattriggered all her pleasure points.
He sat up andpulled her onto his lap. Soft kisses were pressed over her face,and she smiled, remembering a puppy a friend had. It kissed when itwas nervous as well.
She opened hereyes and said, “So, what the fuck was that?”
“Payment forthe blood.”
“You now have alifelong IOU to satisfy. Just a warning.” She smiled.
His eyesgleamed, and his shoulders shook as he held her tight. “For therecord, I will not be speaking at large. In here, with you, part ofmy brain activates, and the sound projection changes.”
She looked upat him. “I know. I have taught a few others to control theirvoices. I was moonlighting with sound-related patrons.”
His eyeswidened in shock. “Other patrons?”
“Two. Women.”She saw him relax. “They needed help with focus. I am a goodteacher.”
He frowned.“How often did they see you?”
“Two or threetimes. Just for fine control.” She smiled. “I reprogrammedthem.”
Understandingflared in his eyes. “You do it with sound.”
She nodded. “Iam glad that you caught on. I just sing to them, and they get thecontrol they were looking for.”