He flipped thebedding back with one hand and situated her on the bed, pillowsshoved aside.

He dropped hisweight on her slowly, and she bent her knees to let him settle in.The room was dark except for the wild glow coming off his markings.He was right. She was wearing his marks.

Arata murmuredagainst her neck, “Since this was a surprise, I am going to spendthe rest of our lives making sure that you have no regrets.”

The words weremaking her body shiver. “Get to it, patron.”

He jerked andlifted his head, grinning, and his teeth were down. He cocked hishead.

She licked herlips and nodded. The kiss that followed was intense. Her body camealive and moved against him as he held her head and used his tongueto mimic the technique he had used earlier.

She whined andwhimpered. He started a low pulse of sound that her entire bodyfelt.

He was smilingas he kissed her. He moved on from her mouth and kissed his way toher shoulder. She braced for a bite, but he chuckled and moved downto her breast. The low hum was still rocking through her, and shewas moving in time to the feeling.

He mouthed herbreasts until she wrapped a leg around him and jolted when hersenses overloaded. She sat up abruptly, wrenched his head up, andfed him her moans and shrieks to save the structure of his room.When her body stopped twitching, she relaxed the grip she had onhis hair and dropped back with a soft moan.

He pressed hislips to hers again and shifted so one of his hands was betweenthem. When his fingers slid inside her, she closed her eyes at therush of liquid that had greeted his hand. It wasn’t much, but itfelt like a lot. He smiled against her mouth, and a third fingerfitted itself inside. “May I?”

She nodded,desperate to find out what happened next. He didn’t wait butwithdrew his fingers and eased into her. There was pressure, andthen her body yielded. He groaned as he sank into her. His bodyarched over her so he could keep the kiss contact while his hipsslowly moved, and he caught every gasp, moan, and shiver.

She threadedher fingers through his hair and arched into him. A heavy hum ranunder her, around her, and she whimpered as that hum moved aroundwhere they were joined, making everything super sensitive. She feltherself clutching at him, and a pumping wave of heat rose fromwhere he moved slowly inside her. It could have been minutes, itcould have been hours, but her body rose and fell with his until heshuddered and heat blazed again.

He slowlylowered his weight on top of her and kissed her forehead, temple,and cheek. He whispered against her ear. “My wife.”

“Husband?” Shewas a little dazed and sweaty.

He grinned andnodded.


He leaned onone elbow and signed, You, too.

He was staringdown at her, and his expression was sweet. She sighed. “You are notsomething I expected.”

Don’t get shotagain.

She blinked.Air swirled between them, and sweat began to cool. “I wasn’tintending to this time. I had other priorities.” Realization hither. “I need to check on them.”

He leaned inand said, “I will take you to visit. Anywhere else you want togo?”

“Have you everbeen to the Sethir stronghold?”

“Sure. Severaltimes.”

“Have you evermet Aluhara?”

He leaned backin surprise and then leaned in to murmur, “I have heard of her. Themost beautiful woman of the Sethir-Nin. The ageless Aluhara.”

Ivetha smiled.“She’s my egg donor and Sariah’s. We don’t know who the fatherswere, but we know about her. She just learned about us.”

“Really?” Aftermaking her skin quiver, he leaned up and stared at her.

“Really. I amcurious to meet her.”

He smiled andlowered himself on her again. “I will call the prince tomorrow andexplain the situation.”

She shudderedagainst him from the soundwaves rippling through her body. Hekissed his way down her neck again and withdrew from her at thesame time. It was going to be a long night.