“Does it workwith other activations?”

“I don’t knowhow they work, so I can’t change the way people are wired.”

He blinkedslowly. “I am very lucky that I am powered by your speciality.”

“We would neverbe matched if we didn’t... match.” She shrugged.

“And we domatch, Ivetha. We match very well.” He ran his fingers through herhair. “And we need to go to the baths and soak. I do believe we area mess.”

She stared andasked, “But we can shower here, right?”

He grinned.“Nope. There are robes for us, and we can head down rightaway.”

“All arrangedfor the wedding I didn’t know I was in.”

He laughedsilently and got to his feet with her in his arms. He set her downand wrapped a robe from the bathroom around her, wrapped one aroundhimself, and then he picked her up again and carried her down tothe baths. A few folks working grinned at them as they headed downthe hall and then the steps.

He washed her,rinsed her, and then himself. He then picked her up and walked toone of the pools, stepping down, settling on a bench, and leaningback with a groan.

Against her wethair, he murmured, “Ivetha, you are delightfully exhausting.”

She snorted.“And there isn’t a part of me that wasn’t in your mouth, pointyteeth and all. What is your point?”

He sighedhappily and hummed against her neck.

When she waslimp from the warmth, he started massaging her limbs and workingout the knots he had assisted in creating. By the time he was done,she lay on him and muttered, “The best thing about guys that cansign is that they have nice, strong, nimble fingers.”

He kissed hercheek again. She looked up at him. “This is way better than adate.”

He smiled andnodded.

They sat in thewarm water for another half hour before he stroked her cheek andsmiled. He whispered, “Breakfast,” against her skin.

She shivered,and he got out of the bath, walking them over to the towels,standing her on her feet and wrapping her up. Ivetha snorted andjust shivered the water off. She wrapped the towel around her andtouched his arm to do the same.

He blinked andsmiled, wrapping a cloth around his hips. They headed up the stairsand back to his room. Clothing was folded and waiting for them onthe rolled-up bed.

“Wait. Are ourclothes going to match now?”

He chuckled andcarefully spoke. “Yes. It will make it easier when we travel.”


“I did tell youthat I would contact the Sethir. If they are as eager as you think,they will arrange a meeting immediately. We need to present aunited front.”

She held outthe ribbons of the top. “Fine. Wrap ‘em up.”

He smiled. Sheheld her hands up, and he wrapped the ribbons around her to keepeverything nice and secure. He traced a line with his finger frombite mark to bite mark.

“How do youknow the exact path?”

He chuckled. “Ileft a clue behind.”

She looked downand gasped. “What the fuck?”

There was aline under her skin. An echo of his pattern. “Did you know it woulddo this?”

“How could I? Ihave never had a wife before.” He smiled. “It is very pretty.”