She felt a waveof heat, and then it kept going. She screamed against her hands,and the walls of the room shook.
Arata liftedhis head and was glowing bright as he watched her writhe. When shepulled her hands away from her mouth, she gasped. “Well, that isdangerous.”
He grinned. Hislips were shining, and her stomach flipped when she realized he waswearing her. On his mouth. Oh boy.
He licked hislips and let out a soft sigh. He bent his head toward hers, and shetasted herself on him. He whispered against her mouth, “You arereally loud.”
She closed hereyes and turned her head. “Oh, god.”
He chuckled andturned her head back to him. “Did you shield the door?”
She blinked andnodded.
He murmuredagainst her skin, “Good girl.”
She shiveredviolently. “Don’t do that.”
He looked ather innocently. “Do what?”
“Use yourmouth, and then use your mouth.”
His shouldersshook with amusement. He tapped her ear and mouthedlisten.
The heavythudding against the door came to her, and she sat up and dumpedhim to the floor, laughing and rolling silently with tears in hiseyes. She yanked on her robe and went to the door, keeping theshield up when Akio came in with his eyes wild.
Ivetha hung herhead. “Sorry.”
Arata finishedhis laughing fit and got to his feet. He stood behind her andinformed his brother, It is fine. She is vocal and shook therafters.
Ivetha grimacedand signed, We can’t all have a light show.
He paused,blinked, and started laughing. “Brother, you may want to soundproofyour room. It sounded like the apocalypse starting in here.”
Ivetha coveredher mouth, and Arata pulled her back against him and pressed hislips to her temple. “We will fix it. I want to hear you howl.”
She shivered asher body started stockpiling energy again. “Stop it.”
He mutteredagainst her temple, “No.”
Akio stared.“So, he can talk to you, and you aren’t injured?”
“He talksinto me, and my body stores the healing heat for lateruse... like earlier.” She gestured to the wrecked beds.
“Oh, shit. Sothat was really you and not him? What is this?” He flicked theshield she had up.
“Compressedsoundwaves that keep me from being surprised.” She fidgeted andheld her robe shut.
“So, you usethose during attacks?”
“Yes. I cangenerate a few of them. Can we talk about this another time?”
She didn’t knowwhat Arata’s expression was, but Akio smiled, bowed, and said,“Good night. Get some sleep.”
There wereother male actives outside, and they stared at her as they left,but Arata pulled her in close and closed the door. She turned toface him. “Well, that was humiliating.”
It was funny.That has never happened before.
“What? Someoneelse making a sonic incident? I shook the freaking house.” Shewrapped her arms around herself.