He nodded thennodded to Akio. He gave him a rapidly delivered order, and Akiochoked with laughter. “Of course, brother.”
Sariah frowned.“What?”
Akio said, “Hetold me we had better not mess up the overlook because he is goingto be here more often.”
Arata stood andpicked up the pack. He held his hand toward her, and she let himboost her to her feet. He wrapped his arm around her waist, andthey walked back to the house.
He dropped thepack off in the kitchen and walked her up to his quarters. She sawthe two made pallets on the floor and smiled. “You still haven’ttold me about what happens at weddings and the preparation thenight before.”
He held up asleeping robe for her and gestured to his bathroom. She steppedinside and froze. He had a shower. A big one. She tensed her jawand quickly changed into the sleeping robe before walking out withher clothing over her arm. She stared. His clothing was gone.
“Why are thererobes for women and not you?”
He shrugged andsigned. I am the king. Also, you have a robe as a guest. I canguarantee your sister doesn’t wear one, and if she does, it isn’tfor long.
She blinked.“Right. That is a mental image I didn’t need.”
He grinned.It is good to see them happy. He has been a nightmare while hewaited. Now, he is both eager and smug.
She rolled hereyes and got into her bed. He walked to the bathroom and emerged afew minutes later. She eyed his erection. “So, how much do I haveto put on for that to relax?”
He chuckled.You would have to be outfitted for a glacier, and I would haveto be able not to see your cute little face.
She snorted andpulled the sheet up and over her head. He moved around the room,and when he was across from her, the dim light in the roomfaded.
She wassettling in when he pulled her to him and whispered into her mouthabout the festivities for the day before. She shuddered in hisarms, and he paused as she panted. She couldn’t see the gleam inhis eyes, but the markings on his body lit up. When he continuedspeaking, she shivered as he slowed his words down and then brushedhis lips against hers. She inhaled but returned the soft kiss thatmade each of them groan. He gripped her hip and pulled her againsthim. He plastered his hand against her back and held her tightagainst him.
She had wantedhim for a very long time, and now she was getting what she wanted,but she was still hurt. It took a lot of effort, but she pushedaway. “Why did you cancel the contract?”
His eyes took abit to focus, but he whispered, “I was getting too close. I wantedthe visits too much. I was going to lose control.”
“I didn’t knowthat I could and not hurt you, and I did not want to hurt you.” Hestroked her cheek. “So, I stopped tempting myself and endangeringyou.”
“That is a goodreason. I couldn’t have let you talk under the contract. It wassuper strict.”
“I like talkingto you.” He smiled slowly. “I like what you do in return.”
She snortedquietly. “Only twice.”
He grinned, andshe saw his teeth up close. She stared. “Are they coming down?”
He nodded.“When hungry or...”
“Oh. So...hungry?” She looked at him through her lashes.
“No. MayI?”
“May you what?Ack!” He flipped her to her back and flicked the bedding offher.
He kissed herneck, and his fingers slid into the opening of the sleeping robe,parting it as they went. He followed it down, released the side tieon the robe, and peeled it open.
“Oh, shit. Youare hungry.”
He chuckled,and the soundwave went through her breast, and from there, her sexstarted humming from the inside out. She started moaning andclamped a hand over her mouth as his lips, tongue, and even teethscraped, nibbled, and licked at her breasts. When he latched on andsucked, her body lifted in time to the caress. Ivetha shifted herlegs between his thighs and felt every groan and chuckle that hepressed into her skin.
Ivethaswallowed, and she closed her eyes as power pooled under her skinwhile he moved lower and lower. When he found her clit, Ivetha usedboth hands to keep her mouth shut. His teeth pressed to eitherside, and his tongue flicked against the sensitive spot. He easedtwo fingers into her, and then the bastard wiggled them.