He lifted herchin on his fingers and signed, And it was wonderful. Now sleep.Tomorrow is busy.

“Some buttheadwrecked my bed.”

He smiled.Use mine.

“You are usingyours.”

We canshare.

“I don’t know.There’s gonna be a horny naked guy in your bed.”

He hugged her,and his shoulders were shaking. He leaned back and signed, Hewill mostly keep his hands to himself.

She snorted,they set the beds to rights, and then he lay down on his side, andshe curled up next to him in a tight little ball, her back to hischest. He wrapped an arm around her, and she put her head on hisbicep. He pulled her in tighter, kissed the top of her head, andbegan deep and even breathing. She followed him into sleep.

* * * *

Akio entered hisbedroom and looked at Sariah. She asked, “Is Ivy okay?”

“She is. Shewas also the source of the activity that nearly did in thebuilding.”

“Really? Sheknows better than to make noise indoors.”

Akio’s mouthquirked. “She was highly motivated to make noise.”

“Oh. Oh!”Sariah covered her mouth. “Hah. Well, good for her.”

“I think it isfar better for him. He was literally rolling on the ground laughingwhen I wedged the door open. That shield of hers is no joke.”

“Oh, yeah. I amamazed that she didn’t protect herself during the attack, but shedid say she was out of practice.”

Akio walked upto her and held her. “But you weren’t injured.”

“No. I... oh.Shoot. Dang it.” Sariah thudded her head against his chest. “Howcould I not see that?”

“It wasstressful for you as well. You summoned help. I am just relievedyou called me.” He patted her backside. “Next time, call me whenthe fight starts, not after.”

Sariah smirked.“Maybe.”

“Promise, or Iam not going to let you go until we are married.”

She laughed.“We are already married. We just haven’t had the giant party.”

“That is true,but the traditions here are important to introduce you to society.Once we have the ceremony, you will be family to them all.”

“I havefamily.” She looked at him with a smile.

“You are aboutto have a whole lot more.” He smirked.

Chapter Five

Ivetha woke upstarfished on top of Arata and licked his chest before she lookeddown his body. He smiled. “Good morning, Ivetha.” His whisper wassoft, but a shockwave struck her hair, and it went wild.

Her hair fellover her eyes, and she leaned up on him and clawed it back. “Goodmorning, Your Majesty.”

His eyescrinkled in amusement as he pulled her up his body until they wereface-to-face. He was coming in for a kiss, and she shrieked andtried to dodge. He paused and whispered against her cheek, “What’swrong?”

She groaned. “Ihave morning breath.”