Sariah blinked.“He can bring down mountains.”

“And when hetalks against my skin, it tickles. What is your point?” She startedon her meal and felt something in her hair. She put a hand up andfound something soft. She pulled it down. It was one of the flowersfrom his groom’s garland. She smiled.

Sariah blinked.“So, you can just take it? The impact of the sound.”

“Yes. Ofcourse.” She looked at her sister. “That is why we were matched tobegin with.”

“Oh. Right. So,you have known Arata longer than I have known Akio.”

She kept eatingand looked at her sister.

“So, you didn’tdate my husband’s brother; I was dating your boyfriend’sbrother.”

“More or less,I guess.” She smiled. “I like mine; you like yours. Everything elsedoesn’t matter.”

“So, youchanged things up last night? You didn’t scream the house down.”Sariah smiled.

“He managedthings, and I kept myself under control. Wouldn’t want to actuallyenjoy myself, right?” She looked at Sariah with a challengingglance.

“Sorry. I... amnot used to thinking about you as someone who would enjoy arelationship.”

“Neither am I,but when I was approached to help a sound active with controlissues, I said yes. Affection grew with every session.”

Her sisterasked, “How did you learn how to do that?”

“I had to. Ilearned to keep Aunt Bex happy and then taught what I had learnedto one or two other sound actives. When the head of the BDC learnedof it, she asked me to work with a patron, but I had to become anescort in name only.” She finished her food. “I had to train,learn, groom. Everything that a more involved escort does.”

Sariah smiled.“Can you teach me how to dance like that?”

“Probably, butit is going to hurt like hell.”


“Yeah, havingsex will help if you have been doing some of the work, but learningto move your hips like that under your own control is going tosting a bit.” She paused. “Well, it’s going to ache.”

“I can takeit.” Sariah paused. “So, do we want to play this as sisters orsisters-in-law?”

“I can doeither. I know that we have only connected a few times in the lastyear, but I do love you, sis. I have been wary of you when Bex isaround, but otherwise, I have never had an issue with you. I missedyou when you were gone.”

Sariah got upand walked around behind her, hugging her. “I know how much thatmeans coming from you.”

Ivetha smiledand leaned back. “I knew you would get it.”

Arata came inand signed. Get what?

Ivetha askedher sister, “Can you explain what I meant?”

Sariah nodded.“Ivy’s brain is wired to be analytical. She didn’t receive lovewhen we were growing up, so she defines love as missing someonewhen they aren’t with her. She seeks out people’s weaknesses andtries to make them stronger. She does the same thing while coding.She tries to fix what is broken.”

Arata blinked,You respond very well to me. I don’t think that isanalysis.

Ivetha blushedand signed, With you, I just react. No thoughts yet.

He grinned.

Sariahchuckled. “I am going to have to learn how to sign. The look on herface means I want to know what she just said.”

He looked ather, shook his head, and signed, No.