She tried tolook at it, but there wasn’t a mirror, and she couldn’t make herhead bend to see the whole thing. “I always wanted a tattoo, but Ididn’t think it would be front and centre.”
“It lookslovely.” His fingers trailed over it, and he sent that hum throughthem. She was instantly interested in more than that lighttouch.
Ivetha leanedaway and muttered, “Don’t tease. We need to get... well, I need toget breakfast.”
“Skirt first,please.”
She laughed andput the skirt on that matched the deep blue ribbons that made upher top. He wrapped a belt around her low waist and bent to kissher navel.
“Let’s get youfed.”
She shiveredand pressed her thighs together. First things first. Then, shecould tackle him.
She sat andflipped up her skirt to get her sandals on, and he finished gettingdressed himself. When she finished tying, she flexed her ankle andthe ties drooped.
She sighed andwent back to it, carefully unknotting the tie when Arata pushed herhands aside and quickly fastened the sandal and kissed her knee. Hequickly redid the second and kissed the other knee then flipped theskirt into position. “I will take you to breakfast and then go tomake the call.”
Ivetha smiled.“Okay. Let’s go. It’s like I have worked up an appetite.”
He pulled herto her feet as he stood up and wrapped his hands around her,settling them on her hips. “I wonder how that could havehappened.”
She snorted.“How are you? Hungry?”
“Right. Well, Iam starving. Let’s get me something to eat.”
They left hisroom, and he walked her down to the dining area overlooking thehills with a view of the ocean in the distance. Sariah was therehaving a cup of tea.
Ivetha smiledand sat nearby. “Morning.”
“Morning. Youlook tired.” Sariah smiled. “But happy.”
“Pretty sure Iam. How are you doing? Congratulations on getting married.”
Sariah nodded.“You, too. So, Aunt Bex is out, huh?”
“For me, yes. Iam grateful she didn’t let me starve and taught me to fight, butthat is where the gratitude stops.”
Sariah nodded.“I know. I want to apologize, but I don’t know where to start.”
“We managed. Idon’t hate you; you don’t hate me.” She smiled. “If we have kids,they will be cousins.”
Sariah smiled.“It’s a pleasant thought. I never asked, but do you want kids?”
“I haven’tthought about it because every time I did, Aunt Bex popped into mythoughts, and my babies wouldn’t be safe around her.”
Her sisterpaused, and when food slid in front of Ivetha. She turned to Arata.“Thanks.”
He kissed herquickly, nodded to her sister, and left to go to make his call.
Sariahmurmured, “How long will you be able to stand it?”
“The silencewith him?”
Ivetha smiled.“He isn’t silent. He can talk, but I have to be the backstopbecause his energy stops with me. I take it in and save it forlater.” She chuckled.