Sariah sighed.“So, that’s no.”
Ivetha laughed.“I am not sure. He doesn’t say that to me.”
Arata’s eyescrinkled, and he signed, We are good to travel to Sethir. Yourmother is waiting, and Akio will bring Sariah in an hour.
Why are theywaiting?
So that you canmeet your mother properly. I know it will be difficult.
She looked athim and nodded. She patted Sariah’s arm, and her sister backed off.“See you in an hour. Sorry.”
Sariah laughedand stepped away. Ivetha got to her feet and walked over toArata.
Sariah said,“Hey, what happens in an hour?”
“You get tomeet our mom.”
Sariah’s eyesgot huge as Ivetha was turned, and they walked toward a doorwaythat filled with a portal and brought them from the comfortablewarmth of Ekovar and took them to the dry heat of the Sethirstronghold.
Ivethastumbled, and Arata caught her, supporting her as they walked ontothe stonework. There were alarmed voices, and a deeper voice calmedthe folks who were startled.
Arata grinnedand signed, Skittish.
She snorted andsigned as she spoke. “Of course. It isn’t like folks pop in throughportals frequently.”
A male with ascorpion tail approached them with his pregnant partner holding hishand. He bowed. “Your Majesties, welcome to Sethir.”
Majesty?Ivetha signed.
That’s whathappens when you mate-fuck a king, my queen. He grinned, andhis teeth were down.
Ivetha shiveredand took a slow breath. I knew I was doing somethingwrong.
His shouldersshook. Thank them for the welcome.
She inclinedher head. “Thank you for your welcome, Prince, Princess.”
Riithan smiled.“I have to tell you, Aluhara hasn’t stopped grinning since shefound out about you and your sister. She is coming as well?”
Ivetha nodded.“She and her mate will be here in an hour. I am less socially adeptthan she is, and once she starts talking, I stop, so if I am tomeet her, it should be before my sister arrives.”
Riithanblinked. “Right, in that case, please come this way.”
His wife waslaughing at him, and the elegant but conservatively dressed Sethirstared at them. Arata was looking particularly pretty in hisfourteen inches of wrap and all the tattooed muscles everywhereelse. His hair was also glossy in its thick crest that flowed tothe middle of his back. It was fun to grab hold of. She sighedinwardly. She wanted to be back at his place, tackling him andshaking the rafters.
Arata signed,What is wrong?
She answeredhim honestly. Horny.
He stopped inhis tracks and started laughing silently. He drew her to him andkissed her head before following the Sethir royals to a largeballroom that had a few people in it.
A woman withlong black hair and brilliant blue eyes got up when they enteredthe room.
Riithan stoppedand made the introductions. “Aluhara, this is your daughterIvetha.”
The woman whodidn’t look a day older than Ivetha came forward with a smile. “So,you are another one of the five. You are gorgeous.”
“Mother, Iwould like to introduce my mate, King Arata of Ekovar.”